5 Ways To Help Your Dog Suffer Less From The Heat

5 ways to help your dog suffer less from the heat

Summer is one of the best seasons of the year for people and pets, but if we’re not careful, it can also be a dangerous time for your best friend. To prevent some inconveniences that can arise during hot weather, in this article we’ll share some ways to help your dog fight the heat.

refresh your dog

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Summer is a perfect time to enjoy outdoor activities with your dog. But you must take into account certain recommendations so that any activity can be practiced without major difficulties. A very important point to consider is that, unlike people, dogs and cats cannot sweat as efficiently as their owners.

Therefore,  you should pay attention to so-called “heat strokes”. To avoid them, make sure your dog has access to shade and water during the walk. And, remember: in cases of dogs with brachycephalic snouts, such as bulldogs, pay more attention, as this type of breed suffers much more from the heat.

There are some signs that let you know if the dog is feeling exhausted from the  heat . One of the signs is excessive panting, a red tongue, some instability, vomiting and bloody diarrhea.

If you suspect your puppy is suffering from a heat stroke, try cooling him with cold water. If he likes water, you can buy a baby pool. No doubt he’ll love it. And don’t forget: run to the vet if you notice that your dog is suffering from a heat stroke, as without timely treatment, the incident could be fatal.

Avoid hot surfaces

Domestic animals are helpful and never complain. If this is a noble quality, it can also be a troublemaker, especially if your partner plans to run for several hours during the hot summer months. Running on concrete, asphalt or sand can be a problem as these surfaces get too hot and can burn your dog’s paws. To avoid burns, it is best to go for a walk with your dog in the morning or at night, so that burns will be prevented.

Never leave your dog in the car

Avoid leaving your dog in a parked car when the weather is too hot. Why risk your puppy’s life? Keep it safe in your home, with access to shade and plenty of fresh water. Remember that animals are more vulnerable to heat exhaustion than people.

If your dog spends a lot of time outdoors, make sure he has a place to relax, refresh, and recharge.


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During the summer months, if your dog is a long-haired breed such as the English Shepherd, Collie, Afghan Hound,  trim the fur so that he can stay cool and comfortable.

Healthy eating

Feeding your dog healthily during the summer is critical. It is essential that your diet includes some vegetables, such as carrots. This type of vegetable, which is a delight for them, can also serve as a pastime.

In summer, another vegetable that  can’t be missed is the green bean. For them, these little vegetables are like treats.

Another food that  can be offered is bananas with peanut butter.  This recipe is quite loved by dogs, but it should not be abused, only offer one serving per week.

The  dogs also are very fond of yogurt, but do not offer products with sugar. The best is Greek yogurt that does not contain flavor or sugar. You can spread some yogurt on the treats offered. Faced with this proposal, which is undoubtedly very refreshing, your little friend will certainly not show any resistance.

Lastly, many dogs like ice cubes. You can prepare ice cube flavored with beef or chicken broth.  To make, prepare the broth and let it cool. Then put the mixture in ice cube trays and leave it in the freezer for a few hours until it turns to ice.

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