Corgi: Meet This Dog Breed

Corgi: meet this breed of dog

The Corgi, which means “dwarf dog” in the Welsh language, is a breed that originated in Great Britain. It is said that he is descended from the Visigoths, Viking dogs, who were changing until becoming the breed we know today.

There are two types of Corgi, the Welsh Corgi Pembroke, which are said to have been introduced by the Flemish (inhabitants of a village in northern Belgium) and which usually play the role of a guide dog, and the Welsh Corgi Cardigan, which is used more as an animal domestic.

One difference between the two types of Corgi is that Pembrokes are larger than Cardigans; both were mixed, until in 1934 the breeders managed to point out the differences and officially establish the two types of Corgi. 

Corgi Features


  • Height: It can measure from 30 to 38 centimeters in height.
  • Weight: It can weigh from 12 to 14 kg.
  • Hair: It has a medium to slightly soft hair.


  • Height: It varies between 25 and 30 centimeters in height.
  • Weight: The common weight of this type is between 8 and 12 kg.
  • Hair: Usually has very small, hard hair. This is, in addition to height, one of the most striking differences between the two types of Corgi.

Both types of Corgi have a fur color that can vary and usually consist of mixed shades of brown, black and white. They are also recognized by their fox-like features, with round eyes and a wide snout. It is a small, strong dog with short legs, ears like a goblin, and a short tail.

Although this breed of dog has a short tail, some breeders have it cut through surgical procedures even when they are puppies, for “aesthetic” reasons. Despite this, in some countries this procedure has been prohibited, as it is not necessary for the health of the pet and prevents the dog from expressing itself in a natural and appropriate way.


These puppies are usually used to run after cattle, because the size of the breed is ideal for running from side to side without being pushed or stepped on. The technique is for the dog to stay close to the cattle, biting and pushing their ankles.

Despite this, they have lately adopted the Corgi as a domestic race, due to their nice looks and practical size ; it is even the favorite breed of the royal family of Great Britain.


This animal is very intelligent, outgoing, dynamic, attentive, loyal, smart and hardworking. They are usually recommended for herding work on farms, but they also get along well with children and the elderly, so they are perfect as a family mascot.

In addition to being quiet and peaceful, that is, they do not always bark and this can help people who live in houses, buildings or large communities.


This breed adapts to any environment, from a small apartment to a large plot. You don’t need to exercise a lot. A little daily walking helps control this animal’s accumulated energy.

There is no need for continuous aesthetic care, so combing the puppy once a week and bathing it every time or as needed is enough. It also generally has a protective instinct that will protect people who are in the daily environment.


corgi dog lying down

Corgi’s life expectancy is between 12 and 14 years. One of the diseases that this type of dog suffers the most is obesity, because it has a very hungry appetite and this has side effects, such as different spinal injuries, because, due to its long length and fragility, it may not support the weight.

The dog’s diet must be careful, giving him ration in the measure (balanced and healthy), which goes from 150 to 3oo grams of food.

Other diseases that this breed can usually suffer from:

  • hip dysplasia
  • falls
  • retinal dysplasia
  • Von Willebrand disease, which is a hereditary anomaly in blood clotting.
  • Degenerative myopia
  • osteoarthritis
  • Dislocation of intraocular lenses
  • Epilepsy

Ideal for the family

In general aspects this breed of dog is recommended thanks to its ability to adapt to the environment in which it is present. In addition to intelligence and character, the Corgi tends to socialize properly in any situation and that is why it is recommended as a dog for families. It is a joyful family member.

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