Tips For Approaching A Dog

Tips for approaching a dog

While it’s true that petting a dog is always easy, there are some breeds that are more reluctant and may find it strange if they aren’t used to us. That way, you should always be on the lookout for signs.

Dogs love pampering, that’s a fact. However, in some cases they are not so “friendly” to physical contact.

In this article, we’ll talk about how and where to pet a dog, something very interesting if, for example, you find an unknown or suspicious animal.

Tips for Petting a Dog on First Contact

We tend to think that all dogs like petting and caressing, although that’s not always the case. Some of them are more reluctant to get in touch with people (for example, a white Swiss pastor is often very suspicious), either because of past traumas or because they don’t know us.

The following tips for petting a dog can help you learn a little more about your pet:

1. Approach calmly

If the animal is alone on the street, or if it is beside its owner, you have to be very careful with its movements, to avoid scaring it.

Keep in mind that those dogs that are tethered or on a leash are more likely to growl or bite, as if they were eating or having an object or toy nearby.

Also, the situation gets worse especially if they are protecting their puppies!

2. Get down to his height

You can squat down to be almost at the same height as his so he can watch you at all times.

Gradually extend your hand and arm toward the dog and identify its reaction. No noises, screams or sudden movements. Allow him to smell your closed hand so he knows what your intentions are.

woman petting dog

3. Start with the head

The first contact area for petting a dog should be the head, precisely between the ears. You have to be very gentle and pay attention to the signals that the animal expresses.

If he looks calm, closes his eyes slightly, or wags his tail, he’s enjoying the contact.

In case the dog does not feel good with the caresses, he will show it.  He may move his head, growl or go elsewhere. Either way, respect your decision and don’t try to get close just yet.

Otherwise, if you think there’s a connection to the animal and you’re having fun, you can move on to pet other areas.

Some like to be touched behind the head, in the upper back. Others prefer chin or chest contact. You’ll have to try until you know what he likes!

How to pet a known dog

It could be your pet or the dog of someone you know. In this case, you can skip several steps and you can already identify in which areas he likes to be petted. It all depends on the animal’s taste, so you’ll have to experiment. 

Some dogs like to be rubbed on their bellies, others to get massages on their legs. There are those who prefer caressing the head, others the chest.

Anyway, we recommend that, even if it is your dog, do not touch the eyes, mouth and tail, as dogs in general do not like to touch these parts.

do you know how to pet a dog?

Pay close attention to the animal’s reactions, as it may “ask” you to stroke its belly as it lies on its back and wags its tail. However, if he makes some weird move and tries to bite himself, don’t trust him too much.

remember to set it free

An important issue when petting a dog has to do with the animal’s freedom of movement. Chances are, even if it’s your pet, it doesn’t like being hugged or held in a certain way. So always caress with your hands and don’t use your arms or any other part of your body.

Finally, to pet a dog, known or unknown, you must move very carefully and identify the signs that indicate whether or not the animal feels good with the contact. That way you’ll avoid bites and strengthen your relationship.

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