How To Remove Tear Stains From Pets

How to remove tear stains from pets

You may have already noticed that some pets have unsightly spots, usually brown in color, in the inner corner of the eye. Well, this is a tear drainage problem that causes your pet to tear up constantly. We want to solve this problem that affects your pet, determining the causes of this tearing, how to eliminate them and, mainly, how to prevent them. Therefore, we will give you some advice for removing the tear stains on your pet. 

Why do pet tears occur?

lágrimas no animal de estimação

Not only is a pet’s tear stains an aesthetic problem, it’s also something more complicated since it’s a health problem called epiphora.

It consists of the inability of the animal’s nasolacrimal system to eliminate tears, producing constant tearing up to the face and causing the appearance of these brown spots.

This disease can be caused by two reasons: 

– The most common is the production of an excess of tears in the pet, and there is no time to drain them. This can happen due to different factors, for having entered a foreign body in your dog’s eye or also for an allergy. In these cases, you should take your pet to a veterinarian.

– Epiphora can be caused by obstruction of the conduit through which the tears drain. This is due to a congenital problem or the characteristics of the dog.

But it should be taken into account that there are certain breeds of animals that are prone to suffer from this disease. This is the case of toy type dog breeds , such as the Poodle or the Maltese, and also in the Persian breed cats.

In either case, you should be aware of when your pet’s tear stains start, you should consult a veterinarian to find out if it is serious or if it needs any treatment.

Once this step has been completed, we still need to remove the stains from our pet.

Remove tear stains from the pet

Remover as manchas de lágrimas no animal de estimação

Daily cleaning

It is very important to clean your pet’s face daily. You can use a washcloth soaked in warm water and also some natural remedies :

– In addition to removing the bacteria from the eye, chamomile  will provide relief if the eye is feeling burning or irritated. Prepare a chamomile tea and let it cool. When it’s cold, wet a cotton and pass it on the stains, then the stains will whiten.

Lemon can also help in this process, you just have to put warm water mixed with a few drops of lemon, moisten a cloth and pass it through the stains. You’ll have to be careful not to get it too close to his eye.  

If you consult a veterinarian, he will certainly recommend a specific product to eliminate the stains. 

Internal use vinegar

This natural, cheap product that we all have in our kitchen pantry can help a lot in the disappearance of stains. You will only have to put a teaspoon of white cider vinegar into your pet’s water dish, but this must be done at every water change.

Vinegar will work by changing the pH so your tears will be free of bacteria and yeast, preventing stains on your fur.

Gradually add the vinegar so that it gets used to the taste.

white yogurt

If your pet drinks white or natural yoghurt daily, the stains will gradually disappear, as the yoghurt kills the bacteria that are in the inner corner of your eye.

prevent stains

It is very important to prevent these spots, especially the possible external causes that cause this disease.

The first thing to do is to clean your pet’s face daily. For this, the above recommendations will be useful, such as cleaning it with water and chamomile, for example.

If there is a lot of wind, try not to take your animal to the street, this will prevent an external agent from getting into your eyes.

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