The Most Different And Beautiful Friendships That Exist

The most different and beautiful friendships that exist

If there’s one thing we love about animals, it’s the lack of prejudice in their lives and relationships. For them, it doesn’t matter the race, the color or the shape. They just want to connect through the heart with the other animal, regardless of whether or not they are of the same species. That’s how wonderful friendships come about.

Today, we are going to pay tribute to that fact, we want to show you some of the known friendships between animals that are most different and at the same time wonderful that exist. Don’t miss this exciting list that goes along a beautiful path: friendship.

Friendships between different, strange and beautiful animals of today


Many of the animals were made to live in groups, in herds and with some company. However, others are the opposite of that, it seems they were made to live alone. Regardless of this fact,  many seek friendship with other animals, out of necessity or because they have become accustomed to spending time with them. 

Take a look at these friendships:

a giraffe and an ostrich

If we stop to think about what these species have in common, we can conclude that the neck is long, but beyond that, nothing else. Giraffes are suspicious and ostriches are curious, they are not afraid of anything. 

However, individuals of these species that live in  Busch Garden , in the United States, just want to be together, despite having 65 hectares where they live. It is common to see them kissing, sitting together or taking a walk.

What beautiful photos give us a gift!

an elephant and a bitch

Can you think of two species more different than these? Size is one of the main contrasts in this friendship that, while strange, is not impossible. Bubble is an elephant that was rescued in Africa and was being chased by hunters who wanted to steal ivory from its tusks to sell in the United States.

It was there that he met Bela, who became friends with Bubbles. The dog uses her friend as a springboard to play and jump into the water. At first, they thought it might hurt the elephant, but on the contrary. They became inseparable friends.

a dog and a fox

Tinni lives in Norway and one day she was walking with its owner, when they found a fox, which they called Sniffer. Although its owner was frightened,  Tinni felt curiosity and approached the animal, and that was how an inseparable friendship emerged.

Its owner took several very cute and surprising pictures of both animals walking together in the woods. In addition, he started a project to make people aware of the risks of buying fox fur.

the bitch and the owl

Torque is a little dog that one day was walking in the garden and found a baby owl. Despite being a puppy, Torque decided to adopt and care for her.

Over time, the little dog and the little owl fostered a friendship based on love, affection and respect. They are inseparable.

a sausage dog and a lion

Although it may seem like an incredible thing to happen, it  was the little sausage dog, when he was two years old, who adopted a lion and thus became inseparable. They have been together for over 5 years and the lion acts with the puppy like his mother.

Their friendship is so close that the puppy even helps the lion to brush his teeth after eating.

a lion, a bear and a tiger

We believe there is no better ending to this article than the story of this friendly trio. The three little animals spent time together when they were under the clutches of a drug dealer who constantly abused them. 

The bear, for example, had the collar embedded in his neck and had to be removed by surgery. Suffering brought these animals together. A suffering that today they managed to forget, that united them, transforming them into a beautiful friendship.

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