Is It A Good Idea To Have A Pet Meerkat?

This mammal is extremely sociable because, in the wild, it lives in groups of up to 40 individuals. They all spend a large part of the day doing activities together.
Is it a good idea to have a pet meerkat?

Many people wonder if it is possible to have a pet meerkat and the answer is yes! There are several reasons to think about having this animal in our home. Some of them may leave us in doubt  that maybe there are better options.

What is the cause of the popularity of having a pet meerkat?

The meerkat was a species unknown to many of us. However, in recent years, it has gained popularity thanks to charisma and appearance in the animated film  The Lion King, which has its own musical.

This little animal appears to be very friendly and graceful, but make no mistake. Behind this harmless aspect, there is a wild animal that may not be the most suitable companion.

Is it nice to have a pet meerkat?

It’s important to point out that currently it’s cool to own a meerkat, but it looks like that could change. It is essential to emphasize this, since it is one of the candidate animals to be banned, if it is part of the catalog of invasive species, at least in Spain. This list contains other species such as the raccoon.

Invasive species are strictly prohibited. Acquiring one of them can lead to serious economic sanctions because of their enormous impact on ecosystems. Several experts have proposed the inclusion of meerkat in this list, given its popularity and similarity to mongooses, another invasive species present in the catalog to this day.

pet meerkat

Does their behavior make them good pets?

This mammal is extremely sociable, as  in the wild it lives in groups of up to 40 individuals. They all spend a large part of the day carrying out activities together.

This characteristic has a consequence when it comes to acquiring a pet meerkat:  they need to live in a group. Therefore, it is recommended to have specialized locations  capable of housing more than a dozen individuals.

In case you want to have this animal in your home, it  is essential to adopt at least one pair. In addition, they must be able to procreate and have a family. In recent months, the subject has generated controversy as they see the conditions under which these animals are sometimes sold.

a very demanding being

Another great feature of the meerkat is that  its huge colonies live in tunnels. They defend these hideouts from predators, thanks to their watchful behavior. The tunnels are built by the meerkats themselves, who are excellent excavators.

Because of this, these mammals are very expensive to keep. They must have daily access to a region of land, such as a large garden, for example. In addition, it is necessary to cement the soil to prevent them from escaping.

On many occasions,  the absence of this possibility causes them to present compulsive behaviors directed towards furniture and other objects. For example, meerkat may start digging holes in mattresses or sofas.

Is it a good idea to have a meerkat as a pet?

Are they aggressive or territorial?

This is another one of these animals’ problems. In their habitat, meerkats are very aggressive and territorial. Although a puppy raised in the company of other species is less dangerous, there are still some risks.

And while a family group poses no problems, creating artificial groups can cause intense fights. Violent conflicts can be more frequent with other pets such as dogs and cats. Meerkats can even bite strangers with their powerful fangs.

Because of this territoriality, meerkats mark territory with their anal glands. They secrete an unpleasant-smelling, staining liquid. Another characteristic that must be evaluated when choosing this animal that can cause discomfort and destruction.

Other care with a pet meerkat

All these inconveniences, added to their intelligence, make meerkats have behavioral problems and stress in captivity. To avoid this, it is recommended to design an environmental enrichment project, such as those carried out by zoos and sanctuaries.

Another of the most important requirements of these animals is regarding their diet. Meerkats eat scorpions and snakes, especially when they are in their natural habitat. In captivity, it  is common to feed on worms and crickets, which can be purchased in stores or raised at home.

The consumption of meat from small rodents or poultry is also very important. Therefore, we must have a reliable establishment or a company that supplies these frozen animals.

The problem is that all these conditions are often not met. Thus, on many occasions, a pet meerkat ends up living in poor conditions, caged for many hours. If you can’t fulfill all these needs, there are more suitable animals that will be happier with you.

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