Do You And Your Dog Have Similar Personalities?

Do you and your dog have similar personalities?

Do you and your dog have similar personalities? Whether it’s because we instinctively choose a pet with similar characteristics to ours or because, over time, some animals end up adopting their owners’ way of being, it is very likely that we will answer yes to this question.

Similarities between dogs and humans

It is common to say that dogs and their owners, sooner or later, end up having the same face.

This claim has already been illustrated with many photographic examples, but it has never really been proven, apart from some graceful coincidences.

The subject of personalities similar to our pets seems to have aroused greater scientific interest.

Our pets adopt a personality similar to ours.


Author: Wagner Cezar

Is that -as the scholars explain- in addition to taking into account the breed, physical and personality aspects and other pedigree issues, in reality -the vast majority of times-   we choose a dog because we assume that it may have a personality similar to our.

On the other hand, in addition to this, what is certain is that dogs tend to copy our rhythms of life and our behaviors and thus end up “looking like” us.

This is nothing mysterious. It is simply a  matter of getting used to between the owner and the animal.

How to make dogs look like humans?

The main form of communication that a dog has is gestural and postural. Humans are in constant contact with the dogs they choose as pets.

This is how our furry friends adopt our routines and our ways of acting.

Then, your way of being will certainly correspond with that of your dog, with all the many variations that a personality presents.

Dogs know how to interpret our feelings

Dogs are able to interpret the gestures of their owners in such a way that they do not need to speak our language to know if we are, for example:

  • happy
  • angry
  • worried
  • sad
  • anxious
  • depressed
  • stressed out

That’s why they are happy when we are too, and try to comfort us when our spirits are low.

Why do dogs have personalities similar to their owners?

Adapting to the environment is the answer to why our four-legged friends end up looking like us, as this is a key issue for the survival of animals.

And as dogs depend on people to meet their basic survival needs and, in addition, live in groups, they then learn to explore all their imitative and social skills to achieve empathy and please their owners.

what our dogs say about us


It is that, both dogs and people, we are part of the animal kingdom.

So, this imitation that is produced between canine and human personalities that live together under the same roof may even have similarities with those of couples who end up looking alike after many years of living together.

So pay attention, because our furry friends can reveal a lot of information about our way of being, both for good and for bad.

To each your pet

When choosing a pet, our personality comes into play:

  • If we buy a puppy in a pet store, it can be said that we are impulsive or spontaneous : we saw it in the window and it was love at first sight. We couldn’t resist the temptation to take him with us.
  • If you prefer to look for a breeder dog, your personality is certainly more methodical, organized. It seeks predictability, in a way. You want to avoid surprises about your pet’s personality and physical characteristics.
  • If you adopt a crossbreed dog from a refuge or pick up a stray animal from the stray, in addition to showing your compassionate qualities, you are not afraid to take a risk on what your pet’s shape will give you.

And you, have you evaluated what it says about you the way your dog is?

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