Tips For Going On Vacation With Your Pet

Tips for going on vacation with your pet

During the summer, the number of pet abandonments increases a lot, because the owners don’t want to miss the trip of their dreams to take care of their pets. But with the tips in this article, you will be able to go on vacation with your pet without any problem and avoid uncomfortable situations for you and your friend.

Going on vacation with your pet

Now that you have free time, you can have  friends and family at home  or, conversely, you can travel to spend the holidays at someone’s house.

If you’re having visitors, it’s a good idea to get your house and pet ready before the big day arrives.

There are dogs and cats, for example, that take time to get used to the presence of new people, and that are easily stressed when they see their space being invaded.

So that your guests and your pet don’t have any difficulties, try to clearly delimit the areas that ‘belong’ exclusively to your pet, so that it can have a place to  shelter and calm down.

In addition, you will also have to show him that there are spaces in the house where he can no longer be, such as the guest bedroom.

To make sure everything runs smoothly,  review your pet’s training  and remind him who’s boss, especially if we’re talking about a big, energetic dog or a territorial cat.

Also, before your visit arrives, you can take your pet to a public place to assess its reactions and predict its behavior.

The art of going on vacation with your pet

Also, for many animals, traveling and leaving the environment can cause anxiety and they may even stop eating or drinking for longer than recommended.

A good way to calm your pet is to  take your toys, bed, or blanket with you  so that your “new home”, however temporary, has something familiar and comforting.

During the summer, it is necessary to pay attention to details, such as transporting the pet safely – in a transport box – or carrying objects and toys belonging to the animal, so that one can enjoy a greater sense of security.

Woman with suitcase and dog in transport box.

While any owner’s goal is to ensure that their pet is as comfortable as possible, it is also necessary to keep it in a  crate  at all times.

This is to prevent it from moving freely in the car, bus or plane and putting you and the rest of your passengers at risk.

There are also special safety belts on the market  for dogs,  in case you cannot find a box that suits your car.

Keep in mind also that  if you travel to  the  outside,  your pet will need to take some form of identification such as a passport for pets.

Also, don’t forget to carry a   first-aid kit and make frequent stops during longer trips.

What if you leave your pet at a hotel?

So, before definitely choosing a hotel for your friend, try visiting the hotel first to check:

  • Hygiene conditions
  • How many animals will be staying on it during your trip
  • the quality of the food
  • If you can leave your toys and your bed at this  pet hotel

dog in hotel

There are many on the  internet, however it is important that you check the quality and condition of the accommodation.

Another option might be to  leave your pet with a friend he already knows  who can take care of him while you are away.

Anyway, when you decided to welcome an animal into your life, you knew that time would come, so the most responsible act is to be prepared to go on vacation with your pet.

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