#Echaunapata, Instagram Campaign For Stray Animals

#Echaunapata, Instagram campaign for abandoned animals

We love to tell you news like this. Talking about organizations and projects that encourage adoption or that try to improve the lives of abandoned or mistreated animals is brilliant. #Echaunapata is one of them and we want you to meet her.

Abandonment in Spain

The number of abandoned animals in Spain is incredibly high: 150,000 pets per year. We spoke to you not long ago about Istanbul, where there are just as many cats that the citizens are responsible for feeding and caring for.

However, abandoned pets in Spain are not so lucky and are left alone , so they can try to survive as they can.

The causes of abandonment in the country are many. The season with the highest number of abandonments is the summer, when many animals “disturb” their owners’ vacations and are abandoned to their own devices. That sad!

Increasingly, many adoption campaigns have been done and they really work, as there are still people with a good heart willing to help these animals. However, the number does not seem to drop.

#Echaunapata, a ray of hope for the abandoned


Social networks greatly favored adoption processes, as they work at lightning speed. Just sharing a photo is enough to get hundreds of “likes” and dozens of comments. Finding a pet owner can be a matter of minutes.

However, when the number of abandoned animals is very high, it seems that associations and projects dedicated to this cannot help everyone.

#Echaunapata is a campaign created by a well-known pet products brand that aims to take care of less favored animals.

The campaign was another step taken by organizations that share photos of abandoned animals, hoping that someone will adopt them. Well, she doesn’t share photos on Instagram, but asks her followers to.

Do not understand anything? We’ll explain better.

How it works #Echaunapata

As we said, it is a campaign created by a pet food brand. Well, what it does is simple. Ask all your Instagram followers to share a photo of your pet.

For each photo shared, one euro in pet food is donated, which will be donated to associations such as “ANAA” and “La Madrileña”.

This campaign was a success, as last year they managed to raise 7,000 euros in food thanks to users of the social network, who did not stop sharing photos of their dogs and cats.

This year, it is estimated to reach the number of 10 thousand. Want to help? It’s easy, look for #Echaunapata on Instagram and upload photos of your pets. Helping stray animals without adopting is now possible.

Abandonment, an evil impossible to eradicate?


Dogs have gone through many stages. First they were shepherds, then guard dogs, and lastly they became pets. Despite the fact that animals are closer to people today and, we hope, are more loved, the number of abandonments only increases.

In the past, no one abandoned their guard dog or their shepherd dog, but many today abandon their pets. And the sad thing is, the numbers go up and up rather than down. The causes of this are several:

  • They don’t want responsibility. Many believe that a pet is a stuffed animal to play with, but when faced with other responsibilities, they despise the animal.
  • Old age of the animal. A bit like the previous one. As long as the puppy was healthy and beautiful, everything was fine. In old age and with the extra expenses, it became a nuisance.
  • Vacations. Not being able to take the dog with you during the holidays, this is one of the biggest reasons for abandonment. It would be so much simpler and humane to leave him for a week in a shelter…

    We hope that #Echaunapata will continue to be successful, as, at the moment, abandonment cannot be stopped, but that at least we can take care of the abandoned animals.

    Main image source: www.chaval.es

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