American Cocker Spaniel, A Faithful Friend

American Cocker Spaniel, a faithful friend

When we see them in stores or strolling the streets, we often don’t remember the name of their race, but their drooping ears are unique. The American Cocker Spaniel is one of the dogs most commonly used as companion animals, for its beauty and good character. Find out why in this article.

American Cocker Spaniel Characteristics

American Cocker Spaniel

The American Cocker Spaniel has a rounded head with a short snout, abundant and very wavy fur. His legs are straight, muscular and strong, and his rugged torso makes him elegant and imposing at the same time.

It should not be confused with the English Cocker Spaniel, which has a smaller amount of hair, is thinner, has a wider head and a slightly larger muzzle. But in both cases, the ears are long and droopy, with lots of hair.

The size of the American Cocker Spaniel is between 34 and 36 cm, and they usually weigh between 8 and 10 kilos. His neck is long and he has no jowls.

The colors in which we can find the American Cocker Spaniel are:

  • Black. It can be completely black with an even coloration, or with some fiery spots. Sometimes they may have white parts on the neck or paws.
  • Different colors from black, but also uniform. They can range from a cinnamon hue to fire red.
  • Bicolor or tricolor. We can see some dogs of various colors, one of which is always white.
  • With fire-colored spots. These spots can appear in the entire range of colors and usually occupy no more than 10% of the animal’s body. They can appear on the tail, over the eyes or on the feet.

American Cocker Spaniel Personality

As in the case of all dogs, loyalty and loyalty are its main qualities that we can highlight. However, there are many other pleasing characteristics in this dog that make him an ideal companion.

  • Sociable. The American Cocker Spaniel is a very sociable and not shy dog, and for that reason it won’t need to learn to socialize from an early age as is the case with other dogs, as they will already do it themselves.
  • Playful. This characteristic makes the American Cocker a loving friend with whom we want to be. He always wants to play and give us the best of his “smiles”.
  • Quiet. In addition to being playful, they are also easygoing, and although they need to exercise daily, they don’t need to be very intense, as well as training to educate you. Let’s say they were born educated.

If you are looking for a friend for life, who will be a faithful companion and will accompany you wherever you go, the American Cocker Spaniel is one of the best options.

American Cocker Spaniel Care

American Cocker Spaniel

Your fur is one of the parts of your body that needs care the most, as it is thick and tends to mat a lot. You will need to brush it daily, in addition to cutting it monthly to remove the annoying knots that, even with brushing, will form.

Their droopy ears cause different bacteria to hide in them, so it is recommended to clean them frequently and cut the hair on the sides of them well.

Your eyes are also often the focus of different diseases, so it is recommended to have annual exams to rule out any more serious risks. The main eye diseases known in this breed are cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy and glaucoma.

The cocker’s stomach, as a general rule, is also usually delicate, so we recommend feeding your animal a high quality food, and avoiding other types of food that have not been authorized by the veterinarian.

It may be that these precautions reduce your desire to have an American Cocker Spaniel, but the truth is that his pleasant personality and his loyalty will make him a wonderful friend with whom you’ll love to share the rest of your life…

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