Do You Want To Sleep Better? Adopt A Dog

Do you want to sleep better?  adopt a dog

We’ve talked many times about all the benefits that having a dog brings. It’s good for stress, low self-esteem, depression, loneliness and many more things. Today, in particular, we’ll talk about how having a dog helps us sleep better.

Yes, that’s what you heard. If you have trouble sleeping, don’t worry, adopt a dog and the insomnia will end. And that’s not magic. There is a study that proves this and let’s talk about it.

The study that claims dogs help you sleep better


There are many people who see it as unsanitary to sleep with dogs, but there are others who love it. This article does not take sides with one way of thinking or the other. He focuses on exposing data that one study shows that sleeping with dogs helps us sleep better.

The study was conducted by the Mayo Clinic Sleep Center in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. He says that while we think sleeping with dogs could be counterproductive, it’s not.

Many think this because they believe that our dog’s movements and noises while we sleep can disturb our sleep. They could wake us up or prevent sleep from going deeper. The study clearly showed that sleeping with our dog is beneficial for our rest and helps us to have a more peaceful sleep.

In the study, a survey was conducted with 150 people, of which at least 74 had a pet, whether it was a dog or a cat. The percentage of 56% of them allowed their pet to sleep with them, in the same room or even in the same bed. 41% admitted that sleeping with their pet brought security, tranquility and peace, feelings that undoubtedly help us to sleep better.

The environment in which we sleep is essential for restful sleep. Being calm and feeling at peace helps us to have a longer, longer and deeper sleep. When a pet brings us this, it undoubtedly helps us in our rest.

According to study leader Lois Krahn, who carried out the work at the Mayo Clinic’s Sleep Center, “health professionals who work with patients with sleep problems should make sure the patient’s home environment at bedtime and if there are pets at home, as this could help them find solutions that improve their sleep and rest.”

Sleep better with your pet, in bed or in the bedroom?


As we said at the beginning, there is a taste for everything. While some love to sleep with their pet in bed, others prefer that he stay alone in the bedroom. There will even be those who do neither.

The study performed did not distinguish between whether our pet slept with us in bed or in the bedroom. Either way it will help us to sleep. However, everyone must choose where to do it, according to their tastes and needs.

What has been shown is that if your pet sleeps outside your room and has sleep problems, it’s time to let him stay in your room, he will make you feel safe and peaceful, which will help you sleep better .

This will work, especially for people who live alone. In addition to those that have, for various reasons, reduced mobility. The subconscious will make them feel accompanied and will feel safe and secure.

So, you see studies show that sleeping with our pets is highly beneficial to our rest and our sleep, so what are you waiting for to let your pet stay in your room?

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