How Do You Know How Big A Dog Will Be When He Grows Up?

How do you know how big a dog will be when he grows up?

The million-dollar question when deciding to adopt a dog can be what size will the animal reach when it reaches adulthood? While they are small all dogs are adorable and manageable, but some of them will become real giants. So, before taking the animal to your home, take into account some variables that can make your life difficult depending on the size of a dog.

Details we must take into account to raise big dogs

the size of a dog can change the environment

If the pet grows to unthinkable limits, you should consider, for example, have enough space in your home so that both people and animals that live in the environment are comfortable.

Also, keep in mind that there are a variety of factors that are indispensable to the animal’s well-being and therefore you will end up investing more money. Like for example:

  • Food;
  • Accessories,
  • Veterinary expenses;
  • Transport (especially if you don’t have your own car);

In addition to these basics, we’ve pointed out some essential tips to find out what size your dog will be when he grows up.

How can I find out how big a dog will be when he grows up?

If the pet is a breed and you know the animal’s parents, it is possible to have a approximate idea of ​​the weight and height your dog will reach when he reaches adulthood. For example:

  • Female dogs will certainly be similar to the mother in these respects, and males will be similar to the father;
  • If there is a lot of difference in size between the parents, your dog is more likely to reach an intermediate size;
  • Find out about the weight and average height of your dog’s breed in its different stages of growth and compare the data with the records you make of your animal. If there are very discrepant differences, it is more likely that your dog is a little smaller or larger than usual for the breed to which he belongs;
    • If the animal is a mixed breed, try to average the standard sizes of each animal;

    Ways to calculate the size of a crossbred dog in adulthood

    The issue gets a bit complicated when you’re in front of a cute mutt and you have no idea who the parents are. However, there are always clues to try to understand how big a dog will be.

    For example: if the dog has their paws and ears too big compared to their bodies , it is almost certain to be a sizable adult. You too can do an approximate weight calculation that your pet will have when he is one year old, which is the average date that dogs reach adulthood. Follow these steps:

    • Find out the dog’s weight;
    • Divide this figure by your calculated age in weeks;
    • Multiply that result by 52, which is the number of weeks there are in a year.

    Anyway, remember that small dogs  grow much faster , so they may be completing their growth before the age of twelve months and that the very big animals they can continue to grow until they are two years old.

    Tracking a dog’s weight and height

    know the size of a dog

    Also, if you want, you can evaluate your dog’s growth over the months, to get an idea of ​​the size he will reach as an adult.

    In general, like all animals, dogs have levels of growth that help us understand how much it will grow.

    There are specific formulas to perform this calculation, or you you can consult standard growth curves and compare with your dog’s weight according to the months or days he has.

    Also you have to take into account that:

    • Most dogs, at 6 months of age, reach 75% of their definitive size.
    • Nutrition, health and other factors can affect the animal’s growth.

    The size of a dog is the smallest

    If you want an animal, for sure, your pet’s height, weight, and breed will be of lesser importance to you.

    You will love him anyway and he will love you. And you will be responsible for your four-legged friend no matter what

    But it never hurts to consider some variables to to be able to take care of you as best you can throughout your life.

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