10 Things Your Dog Wants You To Know

“All that’s left is to say, it’s so beautiful!” How many times have you said this phrase referring to a dog or how many times have you spoken about yours? Dogs, despite not speaking, transmit feelings and attitudes that say a lot. However, did you know that if you could, your dog would tell you at least 10 things?

Whether dogs have feelings or not has been debated for several years, with two very clear parts: who loves and who doesn’t love these animals. We, as we are fans of puppies, like you, we believe that, although they are irrational beings, they are sensitive beings.

That’s why they feel things for us that they would like to talk to us about, but that becomes impossible because they don’t have the ability to talk. So, we bring you the 10 things your dog always wanted to say to you.

The 10 things you need to know about your dog

  1. My life won’t be very long. Around 14 or 15 years old. If you’re planning on leaving me alone for more than two days, you’ll be hurting me irreversibly. Dogs have a great need to be with someone. Unlike cats, which can spend several days alone, dogs need company and companionship.
  2. With patience and time, I can learn anything I want. You must understand that a dog does not have the ability to reason, so teaching him to do something becomes a more complicated task. However, with time and patience, your pet will never let you down.
  3. I’m dependent on you in every way, including the emotional one. If I don’t feel your confidence, I will feel great emptiness and great emotional damage. That is, dogs need to feel loved and wanted. To think that you don’t love him or that you don’t trust him will do enormous damage.
  4. Don’t punish or arrest me when I do something wrong. You have your job, your hobbies and your friends, but do you know what I have? Only you! That is, positive reinforcement always works with animals, as punishment can only hurt and create gaps in relationships.
  5. Talk to me about anything. Even if your dog may not understand you, he will feel loved if you talk to him whenever you have the opportunity.

More things your dog would say

  1. No matter how you treat me, I will always love you. The loyalty of dogs goes far beyond the treatment they receive, they never forget us. Even when they are abandoned, they always remember their owners.
  2. If you ever think about hitting me, remember that my teeth can break your bones and I decide not to.
  3. Before yelling because I’m not obeying as usual, stop for a moment and meditate. Maybe something is happening to me… There are many factors that can influence a dog to act differently, such as illness, deafness or depression. Don’t rush into doing something you might regret.
  4. When you’re old, don’t leave me. Take care of me and treat me with love. Remember that one day your turn will come. Our love for our pets must go beyond beauty or youth. Why abandon and reject the one who was our most loyal friend for his age when he gets old? Is not fair!
  5. When you adopted me, you knew there would be good times and bad times. Stay with me at the vet appointments, the same way I do when you feel bad. Dogs are empathetic by nature, and love to be cuddled when we’re sick, why not treat them the same way?

Your dog feels devotion to you, so much so that your loyalty would prompt him to give his life to save yours. Don’t you think there are plenty of reasons for you to comply with these 10 things your dog wants you to know?

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