Why Do Mosquitoes Bite?

What causes mosquitoes to bite us? Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others? Like everything else in the world of nature, these questions have an answer in animal biology.
Why do mosquitoes bite?

In the temperate regions of the planet, summer and high temperatures bring many things: more hours of light, a plethora of summer fruits, pleasant night temperatures, beach, hundreds of outdoor activities and annoying mosquitoes. However, the latter are a problem for some people. Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others?

These insects, specifically females, are hematophagous and need to feed on the blood of animals to survive and leave abundant offspring. Due to the necessity and the fact that they bite several people, mosquitoes can transmit diseases, some of them very serious. What do humans have to be attractive to these insects? Find it out!

Carbon dioxide attracts mosquitoes

One of the ways mosquitoes recognize their victims is through the release of carbon dioxide from them. Humans produce carbon dioxide every time they breathe out, just like other animals. The large amount of this molecule released by mammals, combined with the high body temperature, because they are warm- blooded animals, attracts mosquitoes.

Studies suggest that a mosquito can detect changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the environment. In this way, it will get closer to the individual who produces it the most. This attraction is the result of evolution, which has given some species of mosquitoes an efficient way to find food.

A mosquito bite.

Body temperature and mosquito bites

The dengue mosquito ( Aedes aegypti ) is one of the insects that acts as a vector of the dengue virus. For this reason, research on which hosts are most interesting for this mosquito does not stop in order to try to control the spread of a disease so feared.

Thus, research carried out with this mosquito as an object of study determined that females of the species go to moist heat sources (the heat released by animals) that offer a temperature within a specific range. The size of the animal does not matter, only the heat it produces.

Do mosquitoes bite more based on body odor?

As it seems, mosquitoes are attracted to certain odorous compounds that humans give off through their skin and sweat. Specifically, there are two substances produced in excess during physical exercise that attract the attention of mosquitoes: lactic acid and ammonia.

These researches have not yet been concluded, but it seems that several genetic factors, in addition to the bacterial flora on the skin, are causing the bite of mosquitoes.

In fact, people who have more microbes on their skin are considered less attractive. Furthermore, bacteria have been found that seem to be unpleasant even to these insects.

Watch what you drink!

There are rumors that mosquitoes bite humans more when they ingest alcohol. However, this had not been scientifically proven until a few years ago with volunteers.

In the study, a specific number of people drank 350 milliliters of beer, before and after measuring their sweat ethanol levels and also their body temperature. On the other hand, another group of people did not drink alcohol.

When humans were exposed to mosquitoes, they landed and bit more those who had drunk alcohol. One of the hypotheses is the rise in body temperature, which occurs after drinking alcoholic beverages.

Mosquitoes bite more during pregnancy

Pregnant women are more attractive to malaria-carrying mosquitoes where malaria is present. According to the research, the physiology and behavior of these women change and the risk of contracting malaria, a major cause of infant and neonatal mortality, increases.

The study shows that the belly of pregnant women is 0.7 ºC warmer than the rest of the body, so these women are more easily detectable by mosquitoes. In addition, they produce more carbon dioxide which, as we said, is an attraction for these insects.

Protect yourself from mosquito bites

Many species of mosquitoes play an important role as parasitic animals in nature. They are part of many food chains and are the main food source for many insectivorous animals.

However, mosquitoes can transmit many diseases around the world, so it’s crucial to protect against them. Although in many places mass fumigations are carried out, it may not be the best option, as the following year there will be more, as its predators are also killed.

A girl who was bitten by a mosquito.

A balanced ecosystem, with abundant predators and avoiding certain behaviors, such as leaving the water still, are crucial to controlling mosquitoes.

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