Diseases That Mosquitoes Transmit

The bites of these insects are not only annoying, but some can be deadly as well. You should know the most dangerous ones, especially when traveling to an exotic location.
Diseases that mosquitoes transmit

Mosquito bites are uncomfortable and leave red marks that can become infected when scratching. Did you know that there are diseases that mosquitoes transmit through their bites? In this text we will tell you what they are.

Diseases that mosquitoes transmit

Insects of the order Diptera are known as “mosquitoes”, and one of their main characteristics is that they are hematophagous. That is, they feed on the blood they extract from other animals.

It is worth noting that mosquitoes live in all environments and ecosystems and that they develop through a four-step metamorphosis: egg, larva, pupa and adult.

To complete this cycle, they need water, so it is not advisable to leave containers that hold standing water at home. Thus, the proliferation of insects is avoided, which can transmit the following diseases to us:

  1. Dengue

Dengue is a disease transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito . Its symptoms are similar to those of a flu, but can worsen and even lead to death.

This infection is very common in tropical areas and urban areas. Although not contagious among people, it is transmitted when a mosquito bites first someone infected and then someone healthy.

The virus lasts between 4 and 10 days in the body of a human being, but it remains in the body of a mosquito (female) for a lifetime, which bites during the day and lays its eggs in the water.

  1. Malaria

This disease is one of the most widespread in Africa and affects mainly children. The transmitting mosquito is Anopheles and the first symptoms – yellowish eyes and skin, fever and chills – appear 10 days after the bite.

Mosquito bite

Direct contagion between people can only happen through the placental route – from the mother to the fetus – and by blood transfusion from an infected person. The best way to avoid malaria is prevention. In the case of travelers, they should use mosquito nets, clothing that covers most of the skin and use insecticide continuously.

  1. Chikungunya

Chikungunya fever is transmitted by two types of mosquitoes: Aedes Aegypti and Aedes Albopictus. The first stage of the disease is characterized by high fevers and the second by severe joint pain, which can persist for several weeks.

There are no specific treatments to reduce symptoms, but rest and fluid intake are recommended to relieve them. Prevention is the best way to avoid contagion and it is worth noting that, when a person is infected by the virus, the body generates antibodies to fight it and becomes immune for life. 

  1. Zika

It is one of the most “recent” diseases that mosquitoes transmit and is caused by insects of the Aedes species . Although it can develop in all people, we highlight the cases of affected pregnant women, as there were many cases of babies with microcephaly born to mothers affected by the virus.

Aedes aegypti mosquito

Zika is more frequent in tropical regions, such as northeastern Brazil and French Polynesia, and is difficult to diagnose: it does not present specific or acute symptoms. Prevention is key when it comes to avoiding contagion and mosquito bites.

  1. West Nile Virus

Of African origin and causing encephalitis, the West Nile virus is more frequent in birds and is characterized by a high mortality rate, although it also attacks horses and people.

There is no evidence to indicate that a human being can become infected when coming in contact with a sick or dead bird from this disease. What is known is that the Culex piplens mosquito is in charge of transporting the virus and passing it on to various species through its bites.

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