8 Tips To Keep Your Cat Young

8 tips to keep your cat young

You may have noticed that your cat starts to calm down over the years; doesn’t play much and increases rest and sleep periods. The truth is that the life expectancy of cats is shorter than that of humans and it is up to us that they live as best as possible. 

There are many factors that help to increase your pet’s life expectancy. That’s why we’ll give you 8 tips to keep your cat young.

Medical exams

When your cat reaches an age when it is considered elderly, around 10 years of age, it is recommended to undergo tests to determine its general state of health.

These tests can identify possible illnesses or problems that may arise because of age. This should include an overall assessment of your teeth, heart and lungs, the vet will feel your abdomen, and inspect your eyes and ears.

He should also monitor the weight and check for internal parasites.

Monitor possible diseases

Taking care of cats' health

It is very important to watch your pet’s behavior at home. Cats are adept at hiding disease until it’s too late.

Take time to examine your pet. Search your body for irregularities or indications of weight loss or muscle mass.

Something you should also check is if he is drinking enough water and keeping an eye on his eating habits, if he has lost his appetite or if there is any change when he urinates or defecates, vomits, diarrhea and if his breathing rate varies.

If you have any questions, inform your veterinarian for an evaluation, early diagnosis is important for successful treatment.

Weight control

Obesity affects both animals and humans. An overweight animal has a lower quality of life than an animal that has its ideal weight.

Being overweight can cause many health problems for your cat when he reaches old age. The heavier it is, the more your muscles, joints and heart will be impacted by it.

If the latter does not work properly, other organs such as the lungs, liver, kidneys and even the brain can suffer permanent damage that can endanger your pet’s life.

try to keep it indoors

There are many reasons why outdoor pets are less likely to reach late adulthood than indoor pets.

Infectious diseases, poisonings and trauma are common killers. Cats live by reflexes and, having their mobility reduced, their sense of sight and hearing can be reduced to the point of putting them in a vulnerable situation.

This puts them in an unequal position against other animals, falls and cars. If you want your cat to go out, you can adapt some space inside your house where he feels comfortable and has security.

Monitor the place where the animal lives

cats and plants

Keep poisons out of reach of animals. All the products you use to clean your house are toxic and can cause death.

Also prevent them from rummaging through the trash, as they might find some traces of these products or others that could be harmful. An oversight on your part can be very dangerous.


Give your cat special food. It won’t hurt to occasionally give her some meat or a treat as a reward, but check with your veterinarian for the most recommended foods and how much to eat for your age.

If you want to reward him with food, make sure it is nutritious and low in calories. If you want to give some canned cat food, it can help you monitor your appetite, because cats love canned food.

If you see that he does not react to this type of food, consult your veterinarian.


Exercise is essential for maintaining body weight, straining joints, muscles and keeping you active. You can also stimulate your cat’s brain with toys and spending some quality time with him.

If you urge him to play, know that he will never be too old to resist a good play session.

castrate your cat

Spayed animals have fewer health problems. In females, it will prevent urinary diseases or cancer from developing in Organs reproductive organs.

In males, in addition to degenerative diseases, it will reduce the tendency to leave home to find a partner and suffer accidents along the way.

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