What Do I Need To Know Before Adopting A Puppy?

What do I need to know before adopting a puppy?

As they approach important holidays such as Christmas, many people think about adding a new member to the family: a puppy. However,  this is a decision that must be meditated upon. It’s not worth being in a hurry and it’s important to be sure what you’re doing.

When you adopt a puppy, it’s a fact that the dog will live with his new family for his entire life, somewhere around 12 to 15 years, so it  ‘s a very important commitment. For this reason, you should consider these tips before adopting a puppy:

Review your routine before adopting a puppy

The arrival of a dog changes your life. Many owners adopt or buy a puppy and then are surprised because they bark so much, they can bite or break things. If you adopt a puppy, you should know that some routines in your life will change.

Living with a dog has its advantages and disadvantages. Also,  although puppies do not go out into the street yet, they are animals that require a lot of time and attention  while they are still young. So, before adding a dog to your life, you should do some thinking and see if you have 4 or 5 hours a day to devote.

But it’s when they grow up that they need even more care. That’s when they should go for a walk, which, by the way, is also a healthy habit for people. So, analyze things carefully, reflect on your schedule and your lifestyle.

Do you have this time to dedicate? How many hours do you leave your dog home alone? If you can’t include a puppy in your daily life,  perhaps the best decision is to leave it for later.

Choose a Puppy

You’ve thought it through and now you know that a puppy fits in your life, so the next question is aimed at knowing the best way to get it. Currently, there are two options: buy or adopt. The advice, unless you want a very specific one, is to adopt. There are thousands of animals looking for a house, and your house is looking for an animal.

puppy in a box

In either case,  you should be well informed about where and how your puppy is living. Look for protective associations in your area, find out what kind of animals they tend to have, what their facilities are like, and ask how the adoption process goes.

A responsible protective association should inform you of the origin of the animal you intend to adopt, what its specific status is, and what commitments you make before adopting a puppy. For example:  how many vaccines were given, when was your last deworming and if in the future you will have to be sterilized (castrated).

In case you choose to buy a puppy, go directly to a breeder and do not buy showcase puppies. A professional breeder should allow you to meet your mother and siblings as well as allow you to visit their facility. If you ask to contact other previous buyers to tell you about their experience, a responsible breeder will not deny this.

what kind of puppy

Sometimes it is difficult to know how big a dog will be as an adult. In the case of breeders or breed dogs, these are more predictable than crossbred dogs. Before adopting a puppy, find out about the dog’s genetics.

In the case of mestizos, you should be guided by intuition and, if in doubt, which is more common in the case of crossbreeds, due to different genetics, you should consult a veterinarian or a dog educator.


Knowing the genetics before adopting a puppy will allow you to discover its future size and approximate weight, but also what kind of illnesses it may suffer from or even behavioral problems. Only then can you be sure to choose a companion that fits you perfectly.

Breeds tend to have distinct character and behavior or frequent health problems. And this genetics can be inherited by crossbred dogs. For example, terriers are dogs that tend to have a strong personality and bark a lot. A crossbred terrier must inherit this behavior and this tendency to bark.

Education for your puppy

Puppies are like babies when they arrive at your house. A dog is considered a puppy until approximately seven months of age and an adolescent until he is a year and a half or two. When a puppy enters your house, he doesn’t know anything, so it’s up to you to teach him everything.

To avoid problems while he is young, and as an adult,  you should be well informed about the education you should give him and how you will go about it. Keep in mind that traditional methods like yelling at him or rubbing his nose when he pees indoors are out of date and become problematic as the dog grows.

Before adopting a puppy, make sure you can give him the best education possible. There are books that can help you with many things. There are also  canine educators who teach puppies.

Prepare the house to adopt a puppy

Until the adopted dog arrives at your house, you will have time to gather information about it. The family must decide what rules they want to establish and be consistent.

Protect all the things it can bite or break to avoid accidents. Try to buy toys that the puppy can bite, beds or resting places, and different objects that the puppy can also bite. Decide where he will eat and sleep.

On top of that, think about what can go wrong and try to act as best you can. But always keep in mind that this is a puppy and he will make mistakes. Be patient with your puppy. Learn to educate him painlessly and with all due respect  and you will spend many happy years together.

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