What Do Our Dogs Dream About?

What do our dogs dream of?

That dogs dream seems to be a fact that is beyond dispute. The question that still doesn’t have an answer is what our dogs dream  when they emit different sounds and make different movements while they sleep.

Dogs have good and bad dreams

As we are not inside the heads of our furry ones, it is not yet possible to determine with certainty what dogs dream.

But, through encephalograms, it was shown that, by the brain activity of dogs, there are times when they are, yes, dreaming.

The dog’s sleep phases are similar to those of humans. The deepest stage (REM) is when dogs dream and, like us, they can also have nightmares.

And, it can already be determined that small-sized dogs and puppies are the ones who dream the most, the causes of these differences in the size and age of dogs with respect to dreaming have not yet been determined.

At what stage of sleep do dogs dream?

dog sleeping

Author: LRN =)

As with humans, when a dog sleeps, its brain activity increases. This activity increases even more when the dog enters the REM phase of sleep (abbreviations in English for rapid eye movements).

At this stage, the animal breathes more irregularly and has rapid eye movements that indicate it is dreaming. When looking at a dog’s encephalogram during REM sleep, the increase in the number of brain waves per minute is remarkable.

During the night, the animal enters and leaves this phase several times  since, as with humans, the fast and slow stages of sleep alternate several times.

However, unlike in humans, the REM phase in dogs only lasts 10% of the total sleep cycle. In people, this phase usually extends for up to 25%.

Signs That Dogs Are Dreaming

Dreaming is mammals’ way of fixing everyday experiences in memory.

But how can we identify the moment when dogs dream?

If you pay attention, you will notice that the animal stirs and performs different involuntary movements. For example:

  • Wriggles;
  • Move your paws;
  • Wiggles its tail;
  • Lick your lips;
  • Raise your ears.

It also emits different sounds. Between them:

  • Snorts;
  • Moans;
  • Growls;
  • Whimpers;
  • Barks.

But what do our dogs dream of?

Since dogs share much of our genetic and sleep patterns, we can guess what dogs dream of. For example:

  • Who persecute or who are being persecuted;
  • Who are kidding;
  • Who eat delicious food;
  • Who hunt some prey.

But, as we have already mentioned, we are not inside the animal’s head to know exactly what the structure of its dreams is like. And, perhaps, we should also put aside for a moment this human urge to want to control everything and allow our dogs to dream peacefully.

What to do when our dog has a nightmare

dog sleeping

If, from your sleeping dog’s actions, you think he’s having a nightmare, don’t try to wake him up.

At first, it is very difficult to wake an animal during these deep periods of sleep. But, if you succeed, you run the risk of being bitten, as the animal will be confused and frightened by the situation it was experiencing in its nightmare.

If your furry friend’s nightmares are very frequent, try to find out what motivates them by analyzing what happens during the day. And be sure to consult a veterinarian if the nightmares persist.

Quality of sleep and dreams for your dog

Like us, dogs need uninterrupted sleep  to enjoy a good quality of life. Your four-legged friend’s good rest depends, in large part, on your physical and mental health.

So, it is essential that, in addition to ensuring you walks and exercises, you stimulate your furry friend’s brain with interactive toys or with intelligence games. Keep in mind that the more activities the animal performs during the day, the better its sleep quality.

We will continue to ask ourselves what our dogs dream of, but let’s do everything possible for them to have beautiful dreams and stay away from nightmares.

Image credits: Rafel Eye.

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