Do You Already Know The 9 Ways Cats Breathe?

Do you already know the 9 ways to breathe in cats?

Cats are mysterious and fascinating beings, beings we don’t know much about. However, there is something that we know very well and that many people do not know: their ways of breathing. Another fascinating world that cats have 9 different ways of breathing.

The 9 ways cats breathe

Each of these forms is very different from the others. Some of them may be making you feel pain due to an illness or even how your mood is. Let’s see.

fast breathing

This kind of breathing is exactly what can make us see that something is not right with our feline. For example, it could be stress, fever, pain, heat stroke or even something emotional.

If it tends to be constant, for several days you should take it to the vet to rule out it being caused by lung or heart disease, diabetes, shock, or other causes.

slow breathing

Slow breathing can be caused by poisoning or encephalitis. It could also be related to a shock, perhaps in its last moments. Be aware of what your pet eats, as well as the changes that occur in its breathing, as treating it in time is vital for the animal.


This type of breathing would be normal if your cat had just been exercising, as it is his way of lowering his body temperature and returning to his normal state. In this way, the water from the mouth, tongue and lungs evaporates, causing an exchange between the fresh air and the warm air in your lungs.

Noisy breathing

This could be a sign of a disease in the airways or due to an obstruction in the airways. It is recommended that you take your kitten to the veterinarian so that the cause of this breathing can be determined and the appropriate treatment applied.


This breathing happens when air passes through a narrow place. So, since your cat hasn’t done the same thing before, this means that for some reason her vocal cords have been tightened, which could mean that there is an object obstructing them.

Thread breathing

By string we are referring to a sound as a whistle that can occur on both in-breath and out-breath. This indicates a narrowing in the trachea or bronchial tubes.

It can be caused by parasites, asthma, inmates or heart failure. As we always tell you, it’s best to take him to the vet.


Whether we are people or cats, we can all breathe deeply. If your cat doesn’t, it’s because he or she has a condition that prevents the ribs from moving, which could be a fracture or fragmentation.

It may be due to the presence of mucus in the chest, but not too low a level of depth and the cat should not be in pain. It’s a way of knowing if it’s something more or less serious.


We know that this is not a type of breathing per se, but when a cat meows for no apparent reason, it can be a symptom of pain or a complaint that something is bothering her body.

You should take him to a clinic as excessive meowing can cause laryngitis in your feline.


This is an indisputable characteristic of cats and is known to be their way of communicating that they are enjoying something and that they are enjoying it. However, this sound can also denote hunger, sadness and even pain.

So take a good look at your cat. Whatever your breathing, you must make sure that it is nothing out of the ordinary and that it is occurring at the right times. If you notice something strange, don’t delay taking it to the vet.

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