7 Tips For Choosing The Best Caregiver For Your Dog

If your lifestyle keeps you away from home, you may need someone to look after your canine companion. In this article, we are going to offer several tips on how to choose the best caregiver for your dog.
7 tips to choose the best caregiver for your dog

It is not always possible to take your dog with you. Sometimes leaving him alone at home can be an option. If this is not feasible, you can opt for a pet hotel. And if this option doesn’t convince you, you can always look for a caregiver for your dog.

When choosing a caregiver for your dog, you should consider not only your dog’s needs, but your pet’s needs as well. A caregiver is not just about taking your dog for a walk, feeding him, watering and cleaning him. Your dog needs it all, but he experiences it in a very particular way.

In addition to the above, your dog also needs to feel safe with the person who is taking care of him, giving him all the love he will not receive when you are not there.

Don’t forget that, like humans, dogs are afraid of the unknown: they fear uncertainty. That’s why your friend needs more than care; he needs someone loving and affectionate.

dog walking

How to choose the best caregiver for your dog

When you adopt a dog, you assume a great responsibility. By adopting a pet, you make a commitment that you cannot ‘escape’. Therefore, when you cannot fulfill your obligations to your dog, for whatever reason, you need to look for someone qualified and trustworthy to do what you cannot.

A first step in choosing the ideal caregiver for your dog may be to consult your veterinarian. The vet can certainly give you references or tell you where to look. This is especially important if your dog has any specific needs due to age and/or an illness or physical problem.

Next, let’s look at what characteristics a good caregiver should have. In any case, don’t forget that, although a person is highly recommended, it is always advisable to talk to them and have a first contact before hiring them.

Qualities that a good caregiver must have

Next, we’ll explain the qualities that a good dog caretaker should have. Evaluate them when hiring a caregiver for your dog.

Qualities that a good caregiver must have

  • Flexibility: It ‘s good to have a flexible service that meets your needs. This is especially important if you don’t have a fixed schedule or are subject to incidents. In addition, if the dog handler you hire has flexible hours, you can handle any other work or personal responsibility.
  • Calm down: all those who live with a dog know that with them things do not always go the way we imagine. A good quality in a dog caretaker is that he knows how to stay calm even in the most complex situations (even if you don’t always manage that). If the caregiver responds calmly to a more stressful situation, it will not cause the dog to respond with anxiety.
  • Sensitivity: A good dog carer recognizes the needs of the animal he cares for and responds accordingly.
  • Reliability: The caregiver you hire to care for your dog must not only inspire confidence, but must also be able to demonstrate. Ask for references, check them out and research this person.
  • Experience: Always hire an experienced caregiver, especially if your dog has any special needs.
  • Responsibility: it is essential that the person you hire is responsible. This feature includes being punctual, fulfilling the orders you place and not engaging in risky behavior of any kind.
  • Be interested: you will notice that a person is interested in your work and what you say if they take notes, ask questions, give ideas and solutions.


All of the above are of little use if the caregiver does not connect with your dog; hence the importance of interviewing the caregiver together with their pet. That way, you can see if that person can really take care of your canine companion when you’re not there.

Observing the caregiver with your dog is the best way to verify that there is connection, experience and a good job of the person you are going to leave your faithful friend with.

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