How Many Cats Are There In The World?

On the question of how many cats there are in the world, studies have been carried out to provide an answer. In fact, there are so many breeds, variations and ways of life of cats that this information is very difficult to know.
How many cats are there in the world?

We cat lovers always enjoy knowing more about these admirable animals and delight in their abilities, but do we have any idea how many cats there are in the world?

Is it possible to calculate how many cats there are in the world?

We probably  all assume that the feline population is very abundant, as pussies reproduce very easily. But could we really estimate how many cats there are in the world?

At the Ecology Global Network, they took on the challenge of calculating the total number of kittens on all continents. According to these calculations, there would be close to 600 million cats in the world, including domestic cats, stray cats and those found in shelters.

Logically,  this is an estimate, as it would be impossible to count all the cats on the planet, especially if we consider that the homeless population grows daily, without having a record that allows us to monitor its progress.

To give you an idea, in Spain alone, it is estimated that around 140,000 cats and dogs are abandoned each year. If we project this number globally, it will be clear why it is so difficult to know how many cats there are in the world.

Once again, we must remember the importance of preventing animals from being abandoned on the streets and also why it is so urgent and necessary to control the overcrowding of the streets. Among other things, the main reason is to prevent the spread of disease.

Is it possible to calculate how many cats there are in the world?

How many breeds of cats are there in the world?

This is another difficult question to answer accurately, as  not all cat breeds are recognized and registered. In addition, there are several international and local feline associations and societies that recognize different breeds of cats.

To cite a few examples, the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) recognizes 42 cat breeds, while the International Feline Federation (FIFe) recognizes 48 cat breeds. In turn, The International Cat Association (TICA) has a registry with a total of 71 cat breeds in the world.

Why are there so many cats on the planet?

The figures confirm that  the  Felis catus  – domestic cat – the cat is with greater distribution and better adaptation of the story. In part, this is due to the animals’ powerful hunting instincts and intelligence. Despite their small size, cats have all the physical, sensory and cognitive abilities of big cats.

However,  its success is undeniably associated with the interesting link generated between cats and humanity. We don’t know exactly how the relationship between the human being and the cat began, but we see that it was clearly beneficial to both parties.

Its domestication probably started about 10,000 years ago, but its trajectory with humanity has many nuances. For the Egyptians, cats were sacred animals whose figure was associated with deities.

During the Middle Ages, many cats – mainly black ones – were associated with witchcraft and, therefore, were killed and expelled from cities.

Why are there so many cats on the planet?

Later, they  regained an essential role in pest control, particularly on the European continent. Fortunately, pussies gained their deserved space as pets, especially from the mid-19th century onwards.

But biology also has a fundamental role.

Of course, biology also plays a key role in cat reproduction. Basically, the world population of cats would never be so high or grow so fast if there was no ‘reproductive facility’.

Cats usually experience their first heat towards the end of six months of age. But this can vary according to the climate and the availability of sunlight in the environment, and even according to each animal’s own metabolism.

A cat’s heat can last for several months, from late winter to early autumn. Females that live indoors, with ideal temperatures and good light, can remain in heat throughout the year.

After a pregnancy of approximately 60 days, the cat can give birth to a litter of up to six or seven kittens. And a few weeks after giving birth, after weaning the puppies, the female will be fertile again and can get pregnant again.

In this sense, it  is very important to find out about cats in heat  before deciding to adopt a female. Keep in mind that neutering is the best way to avoid unplanned litters and help combat street overcrowding.

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