10 Things You Shouldn’t Do If You Respect Your Dog

Often, through lack of knowledge, or even with the best of intentions, we can harm our pet. If you want to offer everything you need and be the best owner in the world, we recommend that you read the article below, in which we tell you what not to do if you have respect for your dog.

What to avoid doing if you respect your dog?

It cannot be denied that there is a very special relationship between dogs and their owners. From the first contact to the last breath, these animals become our best friends and offer us their unconditional love. Sometimes people do not know how to reciprocate this affection and act with the animals’ welfare in mind… However, these actions can be harmful to them. Watch out for these habits, which can bring more problems than benefits, and don’t have them if you respect your dog.

1.Dress it up like a person

The humanization of pets is something more and more frequent. Is it possible to find  stores where clothes (including shoes, hats and scarves) for dogs are sold. Putting on a sweater during the cold season is okay, to some extent, but dressing it up is not a good owner’s practice. The animal feels uncomfortable and often a prisoner inside these clothes. And exposing him to ridicule damages his emotional health.

2. kiss him

Studies claim that kissing your dog can cause illness in both, since each species has “special” bacteria that are transmitted with this show of affection. If you want to show your love, look for other ways.

3. Not believing they have feelings

Even though dogs don’t speak the same language, that doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings. Research has shown that dogs feel emotions just as humans do. This means they can feel love, frustration, anger, shame, jealousy, and many more. And to top it off, dogs are able to read their owners’ emotions from facial expressions. They understand what’s happening to you!

4. hit them

It is believed that it is a way of educating the animal so that it respects the authority of the human being. However, a blow, no matter how mild, damages the relationship you may have with your pet and leads to harmful communication. Also, if you hit him, you are encouraging aggression and anger.

5.  Force him to socialize

It’s true that pets change their temperament when they come into contact with others of their kind (or any other), but that happens as puppies. At a certain age, if you have not been socialized, it is very difficult for you to come to like the idea. If you notice that the dog gets nervous in the park when he sees others around him, don’t force him to have to relate.

6. Take it everywhere

Although you don’t want to leave him alone at home and think that this way the dog will be distracted, the truth is that many places are not suitable for pets. And we are not talking about restaurants and hotels that do not allow you to enter, but environments where the dog will not feel at ease. For example, forests, beaches or mountains.

7. Feed it incorrectly

Dogs have a different digestive system than ours. You must know this very well. Therefore, there are foods that they cannot digest well and their ingestion can lead to inflammation, intoxication and even death. Do not give them chocolate, fatty foods, sauces or condiments. Respect the proper diet and only provide food for dogs (or appropriate for them).

8. Keep him stuck

The chains not only cause sores on the neck and deprive movement, but they can also make your dog ill if he spends too much time outdoors (without shelter from rain, wind, snow, sun and cold). Furthermore, chaining an animal transforms its temperament and character, just as it does when beating it.

9. Educate him with violence

Pets do not understand screaming and hitting, but affection and patience. Know that a dog has the intelligence of a child and needs time to learn. Offer her trust and rewards and you’ll see how your daily life will get better.

10. Leave it in the car

If you go to the supermarket, the bank or any place where dogs are not accepted, it is better to leave them at home rather than keep them in the car. Even for just 5 minutes, the animal will be exposed to shortness of breath, high temperatures and great stress. Place  all of this in practice if you really respect your dog.

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