Dogs Facilitate Childhood Learning

Dogs facilitate children's learning

We’ve talked on countless occasions about the benefits of having a dog at home when there are children. Dogs are able, just with their attitude of unconditional love, to teach good qualities and wonderful things that will serve children for the rest of their lives. Therefore, they are ideal for children’s learning.

Evidence that dogs facilitate children’s learning

A few days ago, several animal associations got together, including the TEA Labrador Association. In this event, different obedience, defense and agility exercises were shown, as well as other types of physical training that could be useful for the animals to present themselves in championships or other competitions.

child learning

Author: Keneth Cruz

According to Amelia Suárez, from TEA, “the interaction with a dog makes children learn faster and improves their motor skills”. And that’s what this event wanted to demonstrate. TEA has worked for many years in nursing homes and schools and therefore ensures that the benefits of working with a dog are many.

In the event that took place in the auditorium of Magdalena, in Avilés, Spain, it was possible to see how children who had objects around them, but who did not know what to do with them, acted until a dog arrived.

For example, it was possible to see children who had hula hoops or hoops near them, they would pick up objects, look at them and nothing else, but as soon as a dog arrived, the small one acted quickly and then raised the hoop so that the animal could pass or jump by him. Suddenly the children were looking for other objects they could use to play and have fun with their dog friends.

It was proved in a brief presentation that having a dog speeds up the child’s mind, sharpens the senses and speeds up learning.

Childhood Learning: Emotions

In addition to speeding up children’s learning, dogs contribute multiple benefits to our little ones. In terms of health, it has been shown that children who grow up with dogs are less likely to get asthma.

Also by being exposed to more bacteria and other external agents that dogs carry, their immune system is strengthened, thus preventing them from contracting illnesses or suffering from virus attacks, which without a strong immune system would be easier to occur.

On top of this, animals contribute great life lessons that can make your children better people. We’ve made a list of some of these lessons, but if you have children at home and a dog, you can add a few more:

child learning

  • Responsibility. The little ones, as soon as a dog arrives at home, and if we teach it, understand that the animal is dependent on us and that it is necessary to feed it, to drink it, to take it for a walk and to offer it love. In addition, we should clean what the dog gets dirty, bathe him and many other things. If you involve your child in these jobs from an early age, he will be a responsible adult.
  • Love without prejudice. Being different sometimes makes us feel better than others, or we may reject others for being different from us. Your little one will love your pet even being furry, smelling different or doing things in different ways. This will be a lesson for him to learn to love everyone no matter what they are.
  • Empathy. Dogs are empathetic by nature. They say that example is the best teacher. Therefore, when your child sees your pet’s good feelings, he will want to imitate you and will be empathetic with both the animal and other people. It is possible that it is a gradual process that he is not aware of.
  • Respect. Your child will learn that, although the new family member cannot speak, with their gestures and attitudes they will say what they want and need at every moment. Sometimes your pet will need space, and although your child wants to play, he will have to respect that. It will be a lesson that he will remember throughout his life and that will serve him to be more respectful to others.

Thus, having a dog will be beneficial in every way, especially if there are little ones in the home. If you already have a dog, get your child to interact with him as much as possible, and if you’re not a furry one yet, what are you waiting for? We are sure you will not regret it!

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