Beaches And Pools: Your Dog’s Safety

Beaches and pools: the safety of your dog

We are looking forward to the arrival of summer, the good weather, the longer days, the lighter meals and, above all, the holidays. Many of us dream of stepping back onto the warm sand of the beaches and then diving into the sea. For others, the best option is the swimming pools, where they can also cool off.

If you have a pet and decide to share this type of leisure with him, you must consider a number of issues so that your dog’s safety is always guaranteed both on the beaches and in the pools.

Knowing how to swim is essential for your dog’s safety

dog swimming

Many people think that dogs instinctively know how to swim. This is due to the fact that, when this type of animal falls into the water, they are able to move their feet by instinct, but from there until they know how to swim there is an abyss.

There are races that, by nature, do better at swimming, while others do very poorly and are even incapable of learning to swim. So, the best thing is to see if your dog is one of the ones that have the facility to be in the water or the ones that don’t.

Afterwards, you can help him get in contact with the water, through games and games, but always taking care to keep him safe. As soon as your pet feels like a fish in water, you can take him to the pool or the beach.

The safety of your dog in the pool

We’ll start by saying that if you don’t have your own pool, it’s going to be difficult for your dog to swim in one. We don’t know many community or hotel pools that allow animals to enter.

But if you are one of the lucky ones who have a pool in your house, then it will be possible for your dog to take a dip.

Consider the following advice to ensure your dog’s safety in the pool:

  • Protection. It is important that your dog only has access to the pool in your presence. Therefore, the most convenient thing is to put a fence around the pool so that your dog cannot have access to it, as it could fall into the water and drown.
  • With you. As good as your dog knows how to swim, never leave him alone in the pool.
  • Capacity. It’s good to check your dog’s ability to swim, whether he can only get out of the pool and what his physical resistance is.
  • Chlorine. Be very careful with the chlorine you use in the pool and the time your dog spends in it. Chemical substances like this and others that are used to keep the water clean can harm the animal.

The safety of your dog on the beach

dog on the beach

The main problem we will face when going with our dog to the beach is access to it with our dog. Most beaches are restricted and even prohibited, especially in the summer months. But we can find some beaches that allow the access of dogs.

If you’ve found the ideal beach to go with your dog, keep in mind these tips to ensure your dog’s safety on the beach:

  • Surveillance. In the same way as in the swimming pool, we must not lose sight of our furry friend at any time, not only in the water, but also out of it. Try to control your dog so that he doesn’t cause any discomfort to other bathers.
  • Sun. It is important that you find a shady place for the dog to protect itself from the sun to avoid burns. Especially if he has short fur, you can apply a sunscreen to protect your skin from the bad effects of the sun’s rays.
  • Consult a veterinary store to find out which sunscreen is best for your dog.
  • Hydration. Constantly offer your pet water so that it doesn’t dehydrate. And of course, don’t allow him to drink seawater, as this could cause him different digestive problems.
  • Hygiene. It is essential that you do not allow your dog to do his needs in water or sand. To make sure this doesn’t happen, keep your walking routines and allow him to find a suitable place to defecate and urinate.
  • Don’t forget to collect the faeces as usual.

Going to the beach or the pool with your pet can be a very pleasant experience, but never neglect your dog ‘s safety.

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