7 Ways To Keep Pigeons Away

You probably want to scare the pigeons away for the diseases they carry and the destruction their droppings cause. It is possible to do this at home and at the same time effectively.
7 ways to keep pigeons away

These urban birds are considered unwanted by some people because of their large population and because they defecate anywhere. Also, they can be carriers of illnesses. In this article, we’ll tell you some ways to keep pigeons away from your home.

Why keep the pigeons away?

Pigeons can make their nest anywhere and they spend all day perched on our window or balcony. They litter the place where they are and often damage buildings, objects, cars or gardens.

They are everywhere in the city, especially in the squares, terraces and courtyards. They make coconuts wherever they want and, besides, they are not clean and hygienic birds.

It is also important to note that they can carry various diseases, such as bacteria and those transmitted by lice that attack the species.

Pigeons are considered a pest by some people.

Methods for keeping pigeons away

One or two pigeons in the park being fed on bread crumbs or seeds might not be so bad, but when we already have a flock hovering over our house it’s not much fun.

Without having to come up with drastic or dangerous techniques, there are different ways to scare the pigeons:

1. old CDs

You don’t know what to do with all the CDs you’ve kept for years because they aren’t listened to anymore? You can build a pigeon repellant with them. It’s just a matter of stringing several together and hanging them in a visible place.

2. Water and pepper

No birds like spicy things, so a good technique to keep pigeons away is to spray the corners of the patio or terrace with something that makes them uncomfortable .

It doesn’t mean you’re poisoning them or anything; they simply won’t come close to identifying that smell.

How do you prepare this mixture? In a jar, add a pepper, cayenne, or any other hot spice.

Add water and mix well. Then put in a spray container and spray on the places where the pigeons rest.

3. Sloped lining to keep the pigeons away

One of the best ways to keep pigeons away is to not allow them to land near! This solution is not very expensive and prevents birds from being able to walk in this space.

We are referring to cladding made of metal, PVC or plywood that must be laid out at an angle of 40° to 60°.

urban pigeons

4. Networks

Many buildings mount anti-bird nets that ensure that no birds land on balconies, windows or cornices.

They may not be very aesthetically beautiful, but the good thing is that they are quite effective and even provide a measure of safety if you have children.

5. Plastic owls and crows

Did you know that pigeons are afraid of owls and crows? But instead of getting such an animal alive, the best thing you can do is buy a toy that mimics them, mostly plastic or metal.

Some models even turn their heads in the wind, have reflective eyes or make sounds like real birds.

It is advisable to change the location of the “pigeon scarecrow” from time to time to increase efficiency… Don’t forget that they are very intelligent birds!

6. Silver objects

If you don’t have any more CDs at home, don’t worry, you can use other objects that reflect light, such as kitchen utensils made of metal or even silver balloons.

The aim is to produce a flash that drives the pigeons away and makes them not want to land on your terrace, patio, balcony or window.

7. Water

The last of the methods to scare the pigeons requires a certain installation or the placement of a device that waters the plants from time to time (with a timer). The water will scare them because they don’t like getting wet at all.

Also, in order to get rid of pigeons, we recommend that you do not leave food outdoors – like your pet’s food container, for example – and never feed them whenever you see them on the cornice.

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