4 Lovely Wrinkled Dog Breeds

These are some of the most famous wrinkled dog breeds. Do you know them all?
4 charming dog breeds with wrinkles

Wrinkles are a desired sign in the dog, being one of the preferred traits in any of the following breeds. Breeds of dogs with wrinkles are the product of a strong artificial selection made by humans over the last few centuries.

Dog breeds with wrinkles

1. Shar-pei

The Shar-pei is originally from China. Hundreds of years ago, although their appearance was quite different, the amount and intensity of their wrinkles are the result of a large number of crosses between closely related individuals, which has also led to the selection of many diseases associated with this breed.

It is a medium-sized, compact dog with a short back. The most characteristic feature, in addition to the wrinkles, is the resemblance to a hippopotamus due to the broad snout and tiny ears.

Shar-pei have more wrinkles when they are puppies. As they grow, the skin tightens and they look slimmer. They are calm and independent dogs, but also loyal and affectionate.

Dog breeds with wrinkles

2. Pug

Although it is also a breed from China, its origins are unclear. Due to international trade and the royal preference for this dog, pugs even appear in famous paintings of nobles and kings.


It is a small, plump-looking dog, whose most defined wrinkles are those on the face. Its muzzle is very short and, in fact, respiratory problems are common in this breed. There are preventive surgeries to correct these dogs’ palates and help them breathe better.

His eyes are bright, black and very expressive, which together with the wrinkles and his figure gives him a comical appearance. Therefore, pugs are the kings of the internet.

3. Bloodhound or Dog-of-santo-humberto

The Bloodhound is a hunting dog. His excellent sense of smell, superior to that of other dogs, makes him a first-rate tracker . It has also been used as a police dog in the search for missing persons.

Bloodhound or Hound-of-saint-humberto

It is the biggest and best hunting dog, with a very large and elongated body, strong and very slender. Long, deep folds of skin hang from its head and neck, giving it a wrinkled appearance. In addition, his eyes are very deep, forming a set that gives him a noble and serious bearing.

Despite its imposing appearance, it is a very gentle dog, calm and gentle with people and other dogs. His barks are serious, but he is not a dog that barks a lot.

4. Dog Breeds with Wrinkles: English Bulldog

It is  one of the oldest breeds in Britain and can even be considered a typical English symbol. It is a short dog, but broad and robust, with short fur and a fierce expression.

Dog Breeds with Wrinkles: English Bulldog

Their face and muzzle are short, and they also often have associated respiratory problems. It is very common to hear them snore. The bulldog has wrinkles around its head, which also fall around its mouth, and its lips are thick. It should be noted that these dogs tend to drool a lot.

Although his appearance is quite rough and fierce looking, he is an affectionate and courageous dog who will not hesitate a second to protect the people he loves. Besides, it’s also a good watchdog.

These are some of the best known wrinkled dog breeds, all with a loving and caring character to their owners, but they require a lot of care to keep their skin healthy and clean.

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