Which Dog Gets The Least Sick?

While all dog breeds can develop different diseases, some have been shown to be more prone than others. In addition to the stray dog ​​or mixed breed, there are other purebred dogs that rarely get sick.
Which dog gets least sick?

When we decide to adopt a pet, we intend to spend long years of our life in their company. In fact, we would like our best friends to be by our side forever. So it’s normal to ask yourself which dog gets the least sick.

Generally speaking,  all dog breeds show some genetic predisposition to develop certain hereditary or degenerative diseases. In addition, we must highlight that there are common pathologies in dogs, which can affect all of them, whether they are mutts or breeds.

Considering all this, in a brief list below we will try to identify the healthiest dogs in the world:

The ‘Mutt’: The Dog That Gets Least Sick

The so-called mutt or mixed breed can be considered the least sick dog. To understand the reason for this statement, we need to talk a little about the creation of the various dog breeds that currently exist.

The standardization of dog breeds as we know it today required several centuries of standardization. During this period,  dogs were subjected to several selective breeding  in order to highlight – and exaggerate, in many cases – certain traits and characteristics that please humans.

One of the consequences of this genetic selection is  the high inbreeding rate observed in purebred dogs. In some cases, there may even be the practice of inbreeding to obtain a certain aesthetic and behavioral pattern. This high inbreeding leads to a greater genetic predisposition to numerous hereditary diseases.

On the other hand,  stray dogs have high genetic variety and low inbreeding, as they were not subjected to selective breeding. As a result, they are less genetically predisposed to developing most of the common hereditary and degenerative diseases in dogs.

It is necessary to remember that these animals need to have  adequate preventive medical care and a positive environment so that they can fully develop, both physically and mentally, also strengthening their immune system and preventing all types of canine pathology.

The 4 Healthiest Dog Breeds

Now that we know that the stray dog ​​is the least sick, it remains to talk about the healthiest dog breeds. These are the 4 breeds of dogs with the least genetic predisposition to develop hereditary and degenerative diseases:

1. Australian cattle ranch

One of the reasons why we place the Australian cattle ranch at the top of our list is the incredible longevity of some of the animals. In fact,  the longest-lived dog in the world belonged to this canine breed: his name was Bluey and he lived to be 29 years old.

the dog that gets least sick

However,  the average life expectancy calculated for the Australian cattle ranch ranges from 11 to 14 years. It is a hyperactive dog, super intelligent and with a very strong herding instinct. Their physical resistance stands out and, in addition, only their genetic predisposition to the development of the following diseases is recognized:

  • hip dysplasia
  • progressive retinal atrophy
  • Deafness (usually associated with old age)


The basenji is a canine breed of African origin that stands out for many reasons. In addition to being considered the dog that barks the least and maintaining hygiene habits somewhat similar to those of felines, this dog is also one of the healthiest and most resistant in the world.

the dog that gets least sick

These dogs only show a genetic predisposition to the development of kidney problems – mainly the so-called Fanconi Syndrome – and to progressive retinal atrophy. Its life expectancy is 12 to 14 years, which can be extended with proper care and a positive environment.

Shiba inu

The shiba inu is a dog of Japanese origin that is among the oldest canine breeds in the world. The ability to survive over so many centuries, while facing climatic and historical adversities, is a great demonstration of the strength of these dogs.

the dog that gets least sick

Its life expectancy, calculated between 15 and 18 years, still generates some controversy among experts. The shiba inu is very healthy and is only predisposed to the following canine pathologies:

  • hip dysplasia
  • hypothyroidism

border collie

The border collie is considered the smartest dog in the world, but its qualities do not stop there. These animals stand out for their inexhaustible energy and privileged physical strength, and generally maintain excellent health as long as they receive proper care.

the dog that gets least sick

Border collie dogs can live up to 17 years  and are only genetically predisposed to the following diseases:

  • hip dysplasia
  • Epilepsy
  • Collie Eye Anomaly

Finally, it is necessary to remember  that all dogs need to receive adequate preventive medical care so that they can enjoy a privileged longevity  and a great quality of life.

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