Short-haired Dog Breeds

Shorthaired Dog Breeds

Many people choose their pet according to their tastes and daily activities. If you don’t have a lot of free time to spend the weekend vacuuming the sofa and rug, let alone grooming your dog daily, we  recommend choosing  one of the following short-  haired  dog breeds.

What  are the short-  haired  dog breeds ?

There are around 400  dog breeds  around the world.  A good number of them are short-haired dogs. That’s why we’ll talk about the most popular: 

  1. bull terrier

Both the pattern and the miniature are short coat, so easy to maintain with a brush every now and then. What you should take into account is that these dogs suffer from skin allergies, especially if the fur is light in color.

dog running on the beach

  1. Norfolk Terrier

He is  a  very activefriendly and courageous dog  . It can be ideal for homes with children. This European breed has the hair of the “wired” type, that is, hard, rough and close to the body. It’s a little longer on the muzzle and eyebrows. The mantle can be of several colors: grey, wheat, fire, black and red.   

  1. english bulldog 

It is one of the most adorable short-haired dog breeds… with its wrinkled face and a permanently “sad” expression, it fills us with tenderness. Medium sized, very guardian and more peaceful than it looks, the Bulldog is born without a tail (or with a very short one) and, although brushing is not necessary, it is essential to clean the skin folds to prevent the development of fungus due to humidity. .

  1. Rhodesian Lion (Rhodesian Ridgeback)

Rhodesian Lion Dog

It is a breed from Africa that is characterized by a “mane” along its back. It is a dog that can be extremely faithful to its owners, but very reserved with strangers. In addition, he is strong, agile, active and muscular. It  does  not require a great deal of effort in terms  of coat care (which varies from light wheat to reddish color).  

  1. rottweiler

It is of German origin and, in antiquity ,  was  used  as a  “butcher’s dog”  or cattle herder.  It is a very strong animal, muscular and with enough energy (requires walking and exercise every day). Although many say it is an aggressive dog , everything depends on the education you give it: it can be very calm and obedient, if you teach it to be that way from childhood. The mantle of this breed is shiny black and has some brown or reddish parts.

  1. English pointer 

Active, dynamic, sociable, smart and slim. These are the main characteristics of the other major short-haired dog. Its coat is straight, smooth and well glued to the body. The  most  frequent  colors are  black and white,  white  and  brown, and white and  orange. Males can measure up to 70 cm in cross and weigh 30 kg.

  1. beagle

If you want an active dog that plays for hours and hours (ideal for children) and that doesn’t require a lot of “aesthetic” care, the Beagle might be perfect. They tend to have a loving and sweet personality. Although you should take  into  account  that,  at  certain times of the year, he loses a  lot of hair.


Medium in size, it adapts very well to city life. He needs some exercise to avoid being overweight. It is a quintessential hound, and its origins date back to the Greco-Roman civilization (although it was famous for being chosen by King William the Conqueror as his pet and hunting companion).

  1. pug

The Pug or  Carlino  is  another  of the short- haired  dog  breeds that you can  have  without  major problems, because it adapts well to life in small apartments and is a very good companion. This medium sized dog is very intelligent, affectionate and active. Its coat is soft, shiny, short and smooth. It is usually beige, although there are also black and silver varieties.

Other short-haired dogs are: Chihuahua, Labrador Retriever, Boxer, Pitbull, Jack Russell Terrier, Dachshund, Spanish Greyhound, Weimaraner, Great Dane and Basset Hound.

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