The 5 Most Dangerous Animals In The World

The 5 most dangerous animals in the world 

Although these species do not intend, a priori , to attack humans, they will do so if they consider themselves to be threatened. The point is that, whether because of their powerful bite or the poison that can intoxicate their victims, they are dangerous.

One theory is that if he doesn’t feel uncomfortable, he won’t attack you. But that rule doesn’t always hold when we encounter any of the more dangerous animals that we’ll describe next. Better to see them from afar or on videos.

What are the most dangerous animals in the world?

In the following list, you will meet the most dangerous animals in the world, but that doesn’t mean they have a tendency to “go around” attacking people.

More than anything, they can attack out of fear or the circumstances they find themselves in, and can even kill a person:

  1. Hipoppotamus

Despite being reputed to be a cuddly and affectionate animal, due to their rounded face and ears, the hippopotamus – the photo that opens this article – is quite dangerous and we cannot trust it. 

This huge, large mammal lives in Africa and is responsible for hundreds of human deaths each year.

They have great strength and an uncontrollable temper, so they can do great harm to those around them. If they feel threatened, they can be very stubborn and deadly.

  1. shark

Sharks aren’t actually the monsters that appear in movies, but it’s true that they can attack people who are swimming in the sea when they feel attacked or identify the smell of blood.

Furthermore, it also depends on the species of shark, as not all of them kill. White is the one that registers the most attacks, followed by the tiger and the bull.

The areas most affected by these huge fish with big teeth are the United States, Australia and northern Oceania, South Africa, the Caribbean and northeastern Brazil.

  1. Taipan Snake

This reptile is one of the most poisonous in the world, so we put it on this list of most dangerous animals. It lives in Australia and there are several subspecies, all about three meters long and mostly brown skinned.

The Taipan snake’s venom coagulates the victim’s blood, clogs the arteries, and is highly toxic. Until now, no one who has been bitten has been able to develop an antivenom. Furthermore, the people who were attacked required a long period of intensive care.

  1. bear

They might look really nice to us. However, some species of bears – such as brown and black – have a “negative” record as far as attacks on people are concerned.

The majority of cases have been recorded in the United States (specifically in its most famous national parks such as Yosemite or Yellowstone), and it is believed that the bears found themselves either in heat or taking care of their cubs.

If you add to that the great strength of the bears, that when they stand on their hind legs they are taller than people and that they have sharp claws, it is understandable that they are deadly.

  1. Scorpion

The last of the most dangerous animals on the list is a small, extremely venomous arachnid that bites its victims through the stinger found in its tail.

While it is not a species characterized by attacking for no reason, the truth is that if it is found in some dark, damp environment, such as a drawer or behind a piece of furniture, it is likely that it will want to inject its venom.

Of course there are more dangerous animals in the world, which we must be very careful about. For example, we can name the lion, the crocodile, the jellyfish, the buffalo, the elephant, the spiders and even the mosquitoes… because they transmit a lot of diseases!

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