The Different Types Of Hunting Dogs

There are four different classes of dogs, according to the work they perform during a hunt.
The different types of hunting dogs

Since the beginning of history, when dogs began to live more closely with humans, they have been used to help with hunting. 

We know many breeds that were or are still used as hunters, but today we want to talk about different types of hunting dogs.

There are four types of hunting dogs, and each one takes on a different job. Let’s go through it one by one. do you want to meet them?

The different types of hunting dogs


Bloodhounds are known as sniffer dogs or trackers because they have a very keen sense of smell, which allows them to follow the trail of prey.

When they find it, they chase it while barking to warn the hunters that the chase has already started.

hound dog sniffing

These dogs are prepared to hunt in groups or alone, but always under the direction of their owners, who tell them to chase the prey, take it out of the hole or take it to them.


While bloodhounds are known for their sense of smell, greyhounds have powerful eyesight. They are able to recognize prey from a great distance.

When that happens, they start chasing her until they catch her. Its modus operandi, which is silent and fast, is very effective in hunting prey, some large, such as deer.

greyhound hunting dog

These dogs have been used for a long time in hunting sessions, with great success. Among the most chosen breeds for this work are the Afghan Hound and the Azawakh.

Hunting dogs

Among the types of hunting dogs, these are used especially for hunting small animals. It is the most chosen dog for hunting work by fans of this activity.

hunting dog with a partridge in the mouth

These dogs are divided into varieties like these:

  • Retrievers: Help the hunter to find and take the birds that they have shot in the air. They are patient, as they can spend hours waiting for the dead prey to fall to the ground before catching them.
  • Setters: Seek prey by scent. They are usually larger birds like pheasants or grouse. When they find their prey, they stand in place to warn the hunter.
  • Spaniels: They are ideal for finding prey in overgrown and overgrown terrain, but they are also water-sniffing animals.
  • Pointers: The way these dogs act is very different from the previous ones, as when they locate a prey, they point with their nose or muzzle towards it. It is known and valued for its “pointing instinct”.
  • Water Dogs: Last are the water dogs, which chase and catch prey in the water. Sometimes it could be waterfowl, and other times it could be prey that they were chasing and that sought water to hide or flee.


This type of hunting dog is widely used in the United States for hunting large mammals. They need specific training so that their hunting instinct is strong, but this can sometimes result in a big problem, as it can end up attacking those who shouldn’t.

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