How To Avoid Animal Sickness In The Car

How to avoid animal sickness in the car

Everyone likes to travel and take a weekend getaway and spend a few days off. But, we also love to  enjoy these days with our family and our pet. However, not all animals withstand travel well, generally, they get restless, nauseated, vomit or really feel sick.

That’s why Minhas Animal wants to offer some advice to  avoid the nausea of ​​the animal in the car,  as well as using some product to prevent them from getting sick when traveling.

Why do animals get sick?

We all remember that when we were little, we were car-sick. Animals suffer the same.

This is caused  by a loss of balance, which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Vehicle displacement causes changes in sensory perception, which is closely related to the ear.

This change is  known as dizziness,  a feeling of discomfort caused by moving the car, which causes symptoms such as vomiting and nausea.

education from puppy

Viajar de carro com animal de estimação

Many dogs like to ride in a car, but there are some who don’t like it so much, they get nervous, restless and start to cry.

Although seasickness is something normal in animals, it can also be caused by lack of habit, so it is best to get them used from their puppies. 

If you decide to adopt a puppy, don’t hesitate to take him for a drive as soon as possible.

At first he will feel nauseous, but later he will get used to it and will even enjoy riding in a car when he is older.

It’s convenient for the  puppy to get used to the car,  so it’s preferable that, in the beginning, you take short, daily trips with him, until you can take longer trips.

You can choose a place with nature and where the dog can enjoy playing and running, so he won’t associate the car trip with going to the vet or another place he doesn’t like.

When they’re on their way home, try to give them a prize to let them know they’ve behaved very well.

Never go on a big trip unless you are sure your partner will not get seasick, as both he and you will be sick. It is preferable to do this little training first.

It’s time to travel, some advice

Como viajar com animais de estimação

Before travelling

It is very important to prepare the car before traveling. Try to keep the  car environment cool and airy,  avoiding it to get too hot, as the heat increases the likelihood of nausea.

It is important that the animal feels comfortable and not afraid, a tip is to take the favorite toy and keep it.

It is preferable that, before traveling, the dog does not consume any food, unless it does not eat anything 4 hours before traveling, it is better to travel on an empty stomach and not drink too much water.

It is advisable that,  before getting into the car, the dog takes a walk to do all the necessities, so he will travel more relieved.

It is also possible to consult with the veterinarian some medication so that the animal becomes less nauseated and does not vomit. However, remember that you must always have a veterinary prescription.

During the trip

Make sure the car is ventilated and that it is not too hot,  from time to time, open the window or turn on the air conditioner a little.

Avoid the odors  of flavoring, tobacco or any kind of perfume.

Try to  drive as smoothly as possible  and avoid accelerating and braking. Abrupt driving can make the animal feel sick.

From time to time it is convenient  to stop, so that he can take a short walk and even drink a little water. Don’t forget to show your partner that he’s doing great and give him some pampering.

If you find the puppy still getting nauseous, try putting him somewhere else. It’s easier for you to get seasick when traveling in the trunk of your car,  so it’s best to leave it in the back seat.

During the trip, try to talk to the dog so that he feels safe and doesn’t get scared. It is very important to convey serenity and tranquility, as he will trust you.

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