Take Care Of Your Horse In Winter

take care of your horse in winter

Low temperatures and winter weather changes can seriously affect the health of our horses.  

Therefore, it is essential to reinforce the care of your horse in winter, to provide ideal conditions for its development.

Below, we’ll give you some tips for caring for your horse’s winter health and conditioning your barn.

Tips  for preparing your horse’s stable in winter

Checking the structure of the barn

Before the arrival of low temperatures, we  recommend checking the structure of the stables  to make sure they are prepared to protect your horse in winter.

Ideally, pay special attention to the ceiling,  and ensure that there are no holes or cracks where water can leak or get too cold. In case you have to correct small imperfections, mortar for exteriors can be used.

With the arrival of low temperatures, animals have specific needs. Have you thought about how to take care of your horse in winter?

horse in the snow with sweatshirt

Preparing your horse’s facilities

Each horse will need to have a ‘bed’ in its stable where it can sleep and rest. This leisure and rest area should be kept clean and warm, and have good lighting and ventilation. This prevents the barn from accumulating dirt, impurities, mold or moisture.

In cold regions, it  is ideal to have a heating system to keep temperatures stable inside the barn.

In addition, the horse should also always find a blanket at his disposal or, if he prefers, the caretaker can cover it himself before going to sleep.

Preserve the optimal hygiene of your horses’ facilities and accessories

In addition to being comfortable and warm,  your horse’s stable should have excellent hygiene to prevent disease. 

Daily cleaning to remove food residues and dirt will be essential to prevent the spread of pathogens and parasites.

Daily ventilation and good natural light will also be great allies in combating moisture and mildew. 

In winter, air humidity can rise, especially during rainy or snowy days. Therefore, we must be especially careful to prevent the stables from being affected by fungi or bacteria.

cavalo preto na neve

Essential care of your horse in winter

  1. Food and hydration

Nutrition is one of your horse’s most essential winter cares. With the arrival of low temperatures, horses generally expend more energy  to keep their metabolism stable.

These animals  need a more efficient diet in winter, one  that has high quality proteins, essential fatty acids, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Carbohydrates should also be present, but in moderate amounts, to avoid digestive problems and excessive weight gain.

Consequently, your horse must increase its food intake during the winter. Good quality hay can continue to be the mainstay of your diet.

But you can also supplement your nutrition with foods rich in fiber and protein, such as alfalfa and oats.

We will also have to pay attention to the hydration of our horses in winter. Your horse should always have clean, fresh water at his disposal, whether in the barn or outdoors. In very cold regions, it is important to be careful to ensure that the water does not freeze.

  1. Physical activity and cleanliness

Even if it’s cold outside, your horse will need to do some physical activity to maintain a healthy weight and balanced behavior. Horses love to spend time outdoors and socialize with other horses, even in winter.

Our great friends  like to take advantage of the natural heat provided by the sun’s rays to fight the cold and feel more energetic. Of course, we should moderate exposure to sunlight to avoid burns and other skin complications.

In addition to daily exercise,  your horse in winter will also benefit if he can share some time with you.

So remember to set aside some time for your horses: you have to take care of their coat and check their body, to identify the presence of parasites or other changes in their skin.

  1. preventive medicine

Horses must have adequate preventive medicine throughout their lives. As the cold and winter weather changes can cause many illnesses, from colds to hypothermia, it is essential to check your health before this season arrives.

Taking advantage of the preventive consultation with the specialized veterinarian, it is essential to check if your vaccinations and deworming are up to date.

It is also recommended to consult a trained professional about the need to administer a supplement to preserve your horse’s good health in winter.

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