Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

A fruit known worldwide as watermelon is ideal for combating heat and thirst. While it may not seem like it, watermelon has more benefits for dogs than you might think.
Can dogs eat watermelon?

Watermelon is a very popular fruit around the world. Its high water content (90%) makes it the ideal complement to cool off in extreme summer times or during heat waves, which can affect humans and animals to different degrees. Watermelon is native to Africa, but has spread all over the world.

Its large size makes it an ideal watermelon to enjoy with the family. Its versatility also opens the door for the consumption of the fruit in different presentations and, for sure, at some point you’ve wondered if dogs can eat watermelon. We will answer this question below.

Benefits of Watermelon for Dogs

Watermelon provides humans with hundreds of health-beneficial properties. The same thing happens with dogs, thanks to the vitamins, minerals and calories that this fruit provides. Here are some of the nutritional values ​​for every 100 grams of watermelon:

  • Water: 91.45 grams.
  • Calories: 30 kilocalories.
  • Carbohydrates: 7.55 grams.
  • Vitamin C: 8.1 milligrams.
  • Calcium: 7.7 milligrams.
  • Protein: 0.61 grams.

In addition to the elements already mentioned, watermelon contains high percentages of phosphorus, iron, potassium, vitamin E and zinc. The vitamins and minerals that watermelon has fulfill several functions in the body of dogs, relating as follows:

  • Vitamin C: helps to absorb iron correctly.
  • Vitamin A: Strengthens vision in dogs.
  • Calcium: necessary for bone health and strong limbs.
  • Iron: Helps fight and reduce the risk of anemia in dogs, according to professional sources.

A dog enjoying a piece of watermelon.

Watermelon is diuretic and digestive

In addition to its water content, watermelon is a fruit rich in vitamin C, essential for metabolism. In addition, it is a natural diuretic, which helps to promote urine flow. Consequently, it protects the mammals’ kidneys and urinary system, and helps them to clean the intestines, according to studies.

It has few calories

As the fruit is practically water, it has few calories, so it is ideal for overweight dogs. It can also be included in your diet to avoid the rebound effect. In addition, it can be consumed by dogs with ideal weight, as it helps to keep fit, due to its low calorie content.

Contains citrulline

It should be taken into account that watermelon is rich in citrulline, an organic compound α-amino acid belonging to the group of non-protein amino acids, which is involved in the urea cycle. This cycle has a fundamental role in the creation of proteins in the body and seems to act as a vasodilator, according to professional sources.

Fights heat stroke

Thanks to the fact that 90% of the fruit is water, watermelon is highly recommended in the warmer months as it helps keep dogs hydrated and refreshed. Heat stroke causes a series of reactions and negative consequences in the animal, which suffers due to dehydration and loss of sugars. So it’s better to prevent that from happening.

It is rich in antioxidants

Several sources reported that watermelon is rich in antioxidants, compounds that minimize the impact of free radicals on the DNA of living beings. In this way, watermelon for dogs can improve their overall health and delay the development of degenerative diseases.

Is watermelon good for dogs?

Due to the benefits already mentioned, watermelon is, without a doubt, a positive food for dogs. Its large amount of water prevents your dog from dehydrating. Giving this fruit to the animal is a different way of satisfying this fundamental pillar in its diet.

Watermelon does not pose any risk of toxicity for your dog, on the contrary, it provides many benefits and essential nutrients in a fresh and sweet presentation. However, it is advisable not to overindulge in the recommended amounts of watermelon for dogs.

Watermelon contraindications for dogs

Sugar is a big risk for dogs that consume watermelon in large amounts. 100 grams of this fruit contains 6.2 grams of sugar, so it should be given in small amounts to dogs with diabetes. Likewise, it is not recommended for dogs with hypotension or kidney failure, as it reduces pressure and contains potassium.

Recommended amount

To avoid future harm to your dog’s health, it is recommended that you offer the seedless and shellless watermelon. This way, the dog will not consume too much fiber and sugar. On the other hand, although there is a lot of water, it should not be abused, so you should not give your dog watermelon every day.

It is also important to offer only a small amount the first time your dog eats watermelon to make sure he is not allergic. In the case of puppies, you can follow the instructions mentioned above and follow up, as their digestive system is not fully mature.

Can dogs eat watermelon?

As you have seen, watermelon for dogs is very positive, as long as its consumption is not excessive. The minerals and vitamins it contains help improve your pet’s health and make it easier for your body to avoid certain illnesses. Therefore, you should not hesitate to sporadically include watermelon in your diet.

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