Cat Health Insurance: Is It Necessary?

We may think that pets don’t need coverage in the event of illness or accident, but if something bad happens to them, the expenses will be very high.
Cat health insurance: is it necessary?

Just as people have protection against accidents or illnesses, pets should also be covered in case of any eventuality. Many people ask themselves: is it necessary to purchase a health plan for cats? In this article, we’ll answer that question.

A cat health plan?

When adopting a pet – whether from a shelter, from the street or with a pedigree  – it is necessary to provide everything it needs. In addition to receiving food, bedding and our love, animals must also be protected from illness or domestic accidents.

In the particular case of cats, they can be a little sensitive to fleas, temperature changes or certain foods. They are also vulnerable to infections, especially urinary. And although it is said that ‘they always land on their feet’, in fact, they can sometimes injure themselves playing somewhere higher up.

Furthermore, we cannot overlook the hereditary or genetic pathologies of certain races. For example, the Persians are prone to polycystic kidneys, the Maine Coon to spinal muscular atrophy, and the Siamese to progressive retinal atrophy.

cat health plan

What to consider before hiring a cat health plan?

Of course, as pet owners, we don’t want our best friends to get sick or suffer, but we had better be prepared for what might happen. Sometimes  not having a veterinarian health plan translates into very high costs for treatments or consultations with a professional.

Before hiring a cat health plan, you should pay attention to certain issues and carefully consider whether the monthly or annual expense is worth it:

1. Identify coverage

For example, if you don’t have a car and use a taxi every time you take your cat to the veterinarian, it might be better to hire a health plan that includes veterinary home visits. You also need to know if the plan covers hospitalization expenses, which tests or treatments do not require additional payment, and how many veterinary appointments are included per month or per year.

You can calculate according to what is charged and compare it to the cost of taking your cat to the vet. Remember that he should be seen by a professional at least twice a year as a matter of course, not counting any illness or unexpected situation.

2. Analyze veterinary expenses

Taking the cat to the vet is not affordable, even when it comes to a routine appointment. If the vet orders certain tests, you will likely end up spending a fortune. Not to mention in case any disease is diagnosed.

cat health plan

Make an account of the necessary money every time you take your pet to the vet and the amount charged by the plan. Even without using it for an emergency, you’ll likely spend a lot less on full coverage.

There are even different options in terms of prices and benefits. Some plans include all expenses (operations, hospitalizations, medications, treatments, appointments, home veterinarian), while cheaper ones have certain limitations or require additional payments.

3. According to the cat’s age

You can also choose to purchase a cat health plan in certain specific situations. For example,  while a kitten, the cat will need many vaccinations and consultations  and may be more prone to certain illnesses.

Another ‘critical’ time is when a female is pregnant or if you decide to neuter your pet. And, without a doubt, as it gets older, as the animal will be more vulnerable to many typical pathologies of the breed or any domestic feline. In addition, he will also be more prone to accidents, falls or broken bones.

In fact, pet health plans are not too expensive to be taken out of the household budget. And, in any event, you can be sure that your cat will be protected and well taken care of.

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