The Rations We Give Our Dogs

The rations we give our dogs

Pet food represents one of the most popular options in the world for feeding dogs. They are easy to get, to store, and even to measure on the plate where the animal’s food will be served. Feed is the best food you can give your little four-legged friend.

Despite the fact that they are carefully designed to be consumed by dogs, the rations can also be harmful to your pet’s health because they often contain inappropriate ingredients, and also because of the unbridled way some of our companions tend to use. eat.

So you should pay close attention to what you give your four-legged friend. If you know little about this famous dog food, below we will clarify some of the most common questions about this topic.

What are rations made of?

dog food

Until recently, the vast majority of feeds sold were mainly composed of different types of grains such as soybeans, corn and wheat.

These components did not ensure a good diet in dogs and generated strong cases of allergies, as these ingredients are often very difficult to digest in your stomach.

Because of this worrying fact, the vast majority of feeds that are found today come with grains that are much easier to assimilate, such as rice, oats and barley.

Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that although each company works with different ingredients, the vast majority of them have some that are very recurrent. These are among the main ones in most cases:

  • Meat meal;
  • Cereal flour;
  • Chicken meal;
  • Fish’s flour;
  • Rye;
  • Mineral aggregates.

Are all feed brands reliable?

As with any other type of product, there are brands that have such good quality that they have gained the absolute trust of their consumers, as they generate the results they offer.

Dog food companies have some very good and well-known brands, and also some very bad ones that can be serious for your little friend’s health.

In fact, some of them are not even intended to nourish your dog, but simply to relieve the hunger they feel, as they do not have the proteins, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates necessary for their nutrition, a fact that can cause a diversity of diseases.

These brands are, in general, the cheapest and are characterized by the following:

  • They guarantee they have powdered cow’s milk, when in reality they use milk formula
  • They claim to offer a lot of benefits for your dogs, such as better digestion, firmer stools or more energy. However, it is almost never possible to see these results.
  • They say they have beetroot among their ingredients but they don’t actually use it.

Can you add some kind of supplement to the rations?

Not only can you, but this is one of the best things you can do if you want to get your dog to feed in a healthier and more flavorful way, as there are some supplements that give reasons better taste.

These are some of them:

  • Apple cider vinegar: in addition to being a delight for the palate of dogs, apple cider vinegar is very effective in combating and preventing fleas. Furthermore, it improves dental health and beautifies the skin.
  • Olive oil: with a little of this delicious supplement in the reasons of your little friend, he will be able to enjoy a delicious flavor and a series of benefits for his health, since the olive oil, being rich in antioxidants, omega 4 and Vitamin E, will help you boost your immune system, lose weight and improve your skin’s appearance.
  • Coconut Oil: Not only does it offer a sweet taste, but coconut oil is also very effective in fighting and preventing intestinal parasites, thanks to its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

Remember if!

dog waiting for his ration

Even though there are many brands of food that you can feed your dog without any inconvenience, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian first so that he can indicate which is the best.

It should be noted that there are different types of rations depending on the age, breed or size of the dog, so it is necessary to choose the one that most resembles its characteristics and particularities.

Never forget that nutrition is one of the most important aspects of your canine companion’s good health.

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