Advice For Your Puppy To Grow Healthy

Advice for your puppy to grow healthy

If you are going to adopt a puppy, keep in mind that everything in your home will change, as they bring a lot of joy and affection. However, at first, this can be a difficult task, as puppies require a lot of care and is the stage where they need us to devote more time.

You will have to attend to his main needs, such as food, the vaccination schedule and, of course, he will need you to devote several hours of your day to playing with him.

We at “My animals” want to give some advice for your puppy to grow up healthy and especially happy.


running puppies

When adopting a puppy, you should keep in mind that the first few days the puppy may pass them crying, especially at night. Think that you have just separated him from his canine family and that he may feel sad. That’s why you will have to offer your puppy lots of pampering and affection so that he feels loved and protected.

A trick that works a lot is to moisten a cloth or towel in warm water and pass it on the animal’s back, this will calm it down, as it simulates its mother’s tongue and will make it feel more peaceful. Another option is to put little bottles of warm water on his bed so that he feels accompanied.

Puppy Feeding

Our puppy’s diet is the fundamental basis for it to grow healthy, as it ensures its growth and good health. For the first few months you should make sure that he eats a good quality, complete feed and that it adapts to the size of the puppy.

Therefore, the most correct is always to take your dog to the veterinarian so that he indicates the type of food according to the breed and weight of your animal. Puppy food that is sold in the market provides all the nutrients that our dog needs, but it is always convenient to give him some vitamins or nutritional supplements, especially in the first months of life.

preventive medicine

Preventive medicine is another basic pillar for your puppy to grow healthy and strong, especially in his first six months of life. That’s why he should regularly visit the veterinarian so that the professional can check for any pathology. In this way, it will be easier to detect a large number of congenital disorders.

This item includes compliance with the vaccination schedule and deworming, both internally and externally. If you do this, you will ensure optimal development and growth for your puppy.


Puppy caress

Although it seems obvious, in order to grow healthy, a puppy has to be up to date with its hygiene. A dog not only has to be bathed and cleaned, but it also has to be brushed every day if it has long fur and at least three times a week if it has short fur. Thus, we guarantee the health of your skin and hair, making them always healthy and shiny.

Also remember to clean your dog’s ears with baby wipes.

Don’t forget about your oral health. It is important that your pet’s teeth are brushed daily.

On the market there are special brushes for them, as well as toothpaste, which has many flavors, they love the one that tastes like chicken. If you get him used to it from a young age, it will become part of your daily routine and won’t bother you.

Many dog ​​owners do not pay attention to the oral hygiene of their animals and when they get older they see the consequences, having problems with sore gums and tartar on the teeth, causing pain in your dog’s mouth.

Your education

Even if you don’t believe it, your dog should be educated and trained from the first days he gets home, so that he knows where to do his needs, what he can do and what he can’t do.

You have to teach him not to bite his stuff, so give him toys that he can bite that make him forget about his furniture.

The hours of play are essential for your pet; when they are puppies, animals have a lot of energy and need to expend it. That’s why you should play and interact with him, this is also a good way to get to know your puppy. You will see how your dog will grow up happy and healthy.

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