Amazing Defense Techniques In The Animal Kingdom

Amazing defense techniques in the animal kingdom

Some species in the animal kingdom use amazing defense techniques to protect themselves. In fact, in certain cases, we come to think that these behaviors are closer to human reasoning.

Some animals run at great speed, others hide. There are those who mix with the colors and shapes of the environment and those who pretend to be dead. The amazing defense techniques of the animal kingdom are really something interesting. In this article, we’ll talk about the most curious ones!

The most amazing defense techniques in the animal kingdom

There is no doubt that “nature is wise” and has endowed each species with a special characteristic. In those who do not have the ability to attack, their sense of survival has allowed them to develop some of the many defense techniques we present in this article. Here are some that surprise us:

1. White-eared Opossum (Timbu)

White-eared possums, also known as timbus (picture that opens this article), are not much loved by people. Maybe it’s because they’re a little ugly or because they like to be close to garbage dumps, and they give off a strong odor.

However, we cannot deny that it  is a more than cunning mammal. When he realizes there is imminent danger… He pretends to be dead! To do this, the animal drops to the ground, opens its mouth, extends its tongue and closes its eyes. So he stays static for several minutes, during which his heart rate and respiratory rate become incredibly lower.

2. Puffer fish

Also known as a “balloon fish” is a fish whose survival technique is to expand its body to appear larger than it is. When threatened, it inflates like a balloon and therefore frightens potential predators.

The puffer fish increases its body size to defend itself

How does he do it? It basically  expands your stomach, which is very elastic, swallowing a large amount of water in a matter of seconds. Puffer fish can multiply their normal size and some subspecies even have spines to be even more feared.

3. Lizard

The majority of lizards that inhabit America and Spain  have the ability to “free their tail” whenever they are in danger. That way, when, for example, a bird catches you behind its hind legs, its long tail comes loose.

The lizard loses its tail so as not to lose its life

Most curious of all is that, shortly thereafter, a new tail grows! Thus, this animal can continue to defend itself from the attacks of its main predators. Of course, this isn’t the only technique from one of the smallest reptiles in the world. After all, he is  also camouflaged with the environment in which he lives (mainly forests and woods).

4. Why

Who could dare attack an animal that, at the first sign of danger, launches electrical shocks of up to 700 Volts? Not even human beings are so brave! The poraq is one of the most dangerous fish that inhabit the seas, due to its defense technique.

Why: beware high voltage

Also known as eel or electric fish, this fish uses a group of special cells spread throughout its body, which can be up to two meters long. Also, discharges have more or less voltage depending on the area. In this way, in  addition to defending themselves, they “numb” their prey. The most amazing thing is that it can maintain this electrical discharge for a minute!

5. Smelly weasels

Among the different defense techniques of the animal kingdom, the expulsion of liquids with nauseating odors is widely used. The possum, however, is the “king” in this mechanism. As soon as a suspicious-looking creature approaches, this mammal that looks so tender releases a very stinky fluid from the anal gland.

Opossums: stinking to live

Not only does it cause nausea in humans, but also, if it comes in contact with the eyes, it can cause temporary blindness. Even if we don’t want to hurt him, the possum will act that way!

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