Beavers In Spain?

The engineering put into practice by these rodents modifies the river beds, which allows the creation of swamps and lakes, ecosystems that favor a greater variety of species.
Beavers in Spain?

The presence of beavers in Spain might make us think that this is one of the many invasive alien species, but the truth is that the beaver has only lived in Spain for three centuries.

There are two species of beavers in the world: the American beaver ( Castor canadensis ) and the Eurasian beaver ( Castor fiber ).

This European beaver once inhabited a large part of Europe, but currently its presence has been reduced to Russia, Germany, Poland and the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Why did the beaver disappear from Spain?

Both in Spain and in other countries in Europe, the beaver suffered enormous persecution. First, its meat, in the Middle Ages, was considered a delicacy and a suitable food for Lent.

But its extinction is more modern, and is mainly due to the hunting of its fur, which is much appreciated for making coats.

Also due to castoro, a secretion from their glands that was used in perfumes, medicines and food additives.

Castorean has already been used  to enhance the flavor of vanilla and even raspberry, to make ice cream, to give the smell of cigarettes, and also in beekeeping. Today, artificial substances are used.

Are there beavers in Spain?

But interestingly, the truth is that it seems that there are beavers in Spain. An illegal release in 2003 of 18 German beavers was impossible to control.

beaver in freedom

And we say impossible to control because they tried to eradicate them because they are considered invasive species.

Although this same species once lived in the Ebro River, the truth is that these animals lived there without veterinary controls.

They discovered this when they began to find classic marks of beavers in this river, which could only be made by this species or by man: felled trees and dikes.

There are records for centuries: from Cervantes to the Romans, through the naturist Konrad von Gesner, there are data on the beaver until at least the year 1583.

Since 2018, hundreds of beavers are believed to have spread along several kilometers of the river and are creating a stable population in Aragon, Navarre and La Rioja.

What are the beavers for in Spain?

But the beaver is not just a beautiful and curious species. Like other animals, it forms the entire biodiversity of ecosystems: the greater the biodiversity, the more stable the ecosystems and, therefore, the more beneficial to humans.

beavers in rivers

Modifications of river beds by beavers can create lakes and swamps,  which increases the variety of animals and plants in the area: species such as the beaver could benefit from the return of these ecosystems.

Therefore, as we have seen, the beaver’s return to Spain may not be an accident that must be controlled or a simple joke.

Perhaps he can help restore this country’s wetlands, so damaged by the irresponsible use of water.

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