Cats And Milk: Compatible Friends?

Cats and milk: compatible friends?

The photo of a kitten drinking milk is very famous. She appears whenever we hear about felines. When they are puppies, they need milk, like all babies. But as time goes on, that may change. So, are cats milk-friendly? Let’s see below.

We must remember that a puppy drinks breast milk. But he’s not like cow’s milk. As a feline grows, we must know that this milk contains some properties that may or may not benefit them.

Should cats drink milk?

Without further ado: no, cats cannot drink milk. While this sounds incredible, as we always think of puppies drinking milk, cats and milk are incompatible. As the feline grows, it develops lactose intolerance. Therefore, its ingestion will bring more harm than good.

So, although we always relate cats and milk, this is far from true. The s cats can not take any milk. Much less yogurt or other dairy products. 

As with everything else in life, it  is possible that some cats tolerate milk better. However, many create lactose intolerance in adulthood. This is because kittens are generally not supposed to drink milk.

What if my cat likes milk?

If your cat likes milk, you should offer it moderately. Remember that it makes your digestion difficult. You must ensure that your cat does not have any allergies or lactose intolerances.

How can I tell if my cat is allergic to milk or not?

Milk allergy is one of the most common ailments in cats. So, before you decide whether or not to give your kitten milk, you need to make sure she doesn’t have any allergies.

Allergy can arise because the animal does not have enough enzymes to break down lactose molecules and make it more digestible and faster. When this happens,  the animal’s body reacts adversely. Soon, he is sick, having diarrhea, vomiting, etc.

Therefore, these are the most common symptoms caused by a milk allergy. The cat may also  have skin problems. Usually, all these symptoms happen in the animal soon after ingesting milk, or even a few days later.

If your cat suffers from any of these symptoms and you’re not sure why, watch your cat for a few hours after drinking the milk. But above all, take him to the vet.

So what is the best food for my cat?

As we always say, the veterinarian is the best person to advise you on the type of food your cat needs.

Although the most recommended is that he eat kibble, this does not mean that, from time to time, he cannot eat canned food, some candy, or even drink some milk, if he likes it and has no allergies.

Make sure the feed you buy is one that contains the nutrients he needs, plus vitamins and minerals, and, of course, that it matches his age.

As you can see,  let’s say cats and milk aren’t very compatible friends. A kitten doesn’t need milk. So, if you decide to give it to him, offer small portions and with long periods of time in between.

They say that we are what we eat, and in the case of cats this saying can also be applied. So, if you want to see your kitten healthy and happy, always offer the pet a healthy diet.

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