Choosing A Bird As A Pet: Considerations To Make

Choosing a bird as a pet: considerations to make

Choosing a bird as a pet requires knowledge and care to provide a suitable environment. for the development of the animal. So today we bring you the main considerations to take into account before choosing a bird domestic.

Legal and responsible ownership

 Wildlife trafficking is a difficult and sad reality that affects almost every country. . Crime threatens the survival of many animals and encourages irresponsible ownership.

First, it is necessary to clarify that many species are not allowed/considered as pets . In Brazil, there is a large and detailed list of wild animals whose possession is illegal. It is essential to consult it before choosing a bird as a pet.

It is also necessary to remember that the captive breeding of endangered birds is considered a crime . The owner can be subjected to severe economic sanctions as well as legal sanctions.

Therefore, it is necessary to be sure about the origin of the animal and choose responsibly the establishment where to buy it . Never deal with individuals or stores without official registration. In these cases, the risk of financing the black market for animal trafficking is very high.

bird with toy in its beak

What to know before choosing a bird as a pet?

Having a pet is not a hobby, and animals are not disposable toys. . They are living and sensitive beings who deserve and need respect, attention and dedication from their owners.

The word “bird” refers to a very large and diverse group of over 300 species adapted to aerial life. Therefore, before choosing a bird as a pet, it is necessary to understand the needs of each species . Thus, one can avoid the risk of putting the animal’s welfare at risk.

Next, we propose the main aspects to consider before deciding to have a bird as a pet.

1. Size and space available

There are birds of different sizes: from small quails and canaries to large ones parrots .

You should choose a species that can comfortably adapt to the space available in your home. . Any animal can get sick and exhibit negative behavior when subjected to an unfavorable environment.

2. Socialization and domestication

Another determining factor is the socialization and domestication capacities . Like dogs, birds can show more or less ease at living with humans and other pets.

When it comes to a home with children, for example, the bird’s level of socialization must be high.

3. Owner experience level

It’s a basic rule of thumb for all pets: beginners should choose species that are easier to care for. . Dealing with large birds with many specific needs requires knowledge and a lot of time. The same is true if the future owner is a child.

4. Adjust budgets

Some birds can be very expensive pets. . And not just for its purchase price at a legal pet store. Also for dietary supplements, specialist veterinary care and proper care throughout your life.

In the same way, expenses should be considered for the preparation of the environment in which the animal will live, toys, food and various supplements for his health.

Life expectancy

This is a very sensitive subject for all poultry admirers and owners. Unfortunately, some species have a very short lifespan and you need to be prepared. .

Canaries, parakeets and goldfinches have a maximum life expectancy of 15 years. Cockatoos can live from 12 to 20 years. While parrots and macaws reach over 50 years.



A responsible owner must provide the right conditions for growth and development of your pet. For this, it is necessary to know the habits and care she needs to live healthily.

A sick bird means a risk not only to itself but also to the home. Therefore, we highlight the main aspects of responsible breeding:

  1. balanced and natural diet , including seeds, grains suitable for its strengthening.
  2. toys and structures that encourage their physical and emotional development.
  3. preventive medicine : visits to the veterinarian, deworming, vaccination, proper hygiene, etc.
  4. choose a cage suitable for your size.
  5. Appropriate environment , seeking to recreate the ideal conditions of its natural habitat.
  6. Prevention against cold, heat and bad weather.
  7. training and socialization .
  8. love, affection and respect .

The possession responsible is valid for all species.

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