Dog: Man’s Best Friend

Dogs are derived from wolves, but humans realized their qualities and decided to have them around, and thus came the domestic specimen. The emotional bond with their owners is a fact, and dogs are always there when you need them most: whether for work, help, companionship or help.
dog: man's best friend

It is said that the dog is man’s best friend. If we have such a strong expression to refer to our four-legged companions, then there are reasons for that. We all know very well that dogs are our best friends in the animal kingdom, but do you know where this connection comes from? 

The Origin of Man’s Best Friend

Many theories about the origin of dogs have already been formulated. The most accepted among scientists today is the one that explains that dogs evolved from wolves thanks to human settlements. When humans became sedentary and formed their first settlements, they began to create garbage dumps.

These dumps were mainly made up of leftover food, which attracted the wolves. Those who were less afraid of humans were able to eat more than the rest,  as they didn’t run away when people approached.

For their part, humans soon realized that it was an advantage to have these animals around. They warned when something undesirable approached the village and, besides, they knew how to hunt. Humans kept these animals close to their homes and these began to reproduce.

running dog

Genetic changes were not long in appearing. With each generation, the puppies were less aggressive or afraid, becoming more docile. Besides, they were already being created in the company of humans. Soon, they stopped being wolves to become primitive dogs.

As can be seen, dogs would not exist if there were no humans. Their evolution depended solely on humanity, which then genetically selected them into races to take advantage of their full potential.

help from dogs

The history of mankind would be very different if dogs did not exist, as they accompany us from our first villages. When the first domestic dogs lived among humans, we began to reproduce them by selecting their best characteristics to adapt them to our needs.

Without hunting dogs, the diet and survival of humans would have been very different. The same goes for guardian dogs. They protected the villages and their inhabitants, both from wild animals and from other hostile villages, in exchange for a plate of food.

dog with its owner

As our needs evolved, our fellows kept pace with them. Everyone knows that great kings and soldiers always had dogs for companionship. Even though dogs can’t write laws, they were on the side that needed comfort or support to guide a country.

Emotional and chemical connection

Those who have a pet were already suspicious, but a 2015 survey  by a Japanese university confirmed that looking at or interacting with a dog increases the levels of oxytocin in the brain. Oxytocin is also known as the love hormone because it causes a feeling of calm and happiness.

In other words, according to brain chemistry, it is genetic that we like dogs with the same hormone that unites mothers and children, families and couples. If, in addition, we interact with this animal and it shows us affection, bonds of affection are created that can even be scientifically measured.

connection between dogs and humans

Humans evolved from these early primitive peoples and came to love dogs. This is a chemical condition from which we cannot escape. On the other hand, they help to be loved with their good character and behavior.

When a dog looks at its human family, something similar to a human happens in its brain: hormones that give a feeling of well-being and happiness arise. Both dogs and humans have shared thousands of years of history and evolved to be together.

The wonderful character of dogs

Since those first wolves that weren’t afraid of humans and stayed with us, these animals have changed a lot, not just physically. Dogs have a unique character within the animal kingdom: they are docile, complacent and, above all, want to be with humans.

dog wearing slippers

One of its most striking characteristics is its character: its greatest reward is to get the attention or approval of human beings, no matter what sacrifices it costs. No other living being is so good at adapting to our societies and our way of life. Despite this, dogs are capable of everything to be by our side.

Wearing a collar on the street and doing their necessities only when we choose to are two great routine sacrifices they make for us. In extreme cases, we’ve even seen dogs risking or losing their lives to protect families. There seems to be no limit to the love they feel for us.

Dogs that work for humans

In fact, the character of dogs is so spectacular that we’ve created professions that only dogs can do. After proper training, dogs can work for us for a lifetime, in exchange only for affection, food and the satisfaction of doing good.

For example, there are many dogs trained to keep  patients company in hospitals. Likewise, guide dogs have become an unparalleled help for blind people. This is in addition to all the specializations of help dogs, which help from wheelchair users to diabetics.

dog with child patient in a hospital

Some of the toughest police jobs need dogs: finding drugs or substances by smell depends on them, as does locating and rescuing lost people. The dogs that find people in the rubble after natural disasters are sadly famous.

The dog is man’s best friend. They have been with us for thousands of years, so much so that our bodies have changed so that we can adapt to each other. We give them food, comfort and security while they dedicate their lives to making us happy.

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