Having A Dog Improves Your Emotional And Physical Health

Having a dog improves your emotional and physical health

Adopting a dog only benefits its owners. There are those who guarantee that, more than an altruistic act, deciding to take care of dogs is an act of selfishness, due to the immense advantages that come with it, also for our health.

This little animal lives up to the title of “Man’s best friend”. The mere fact of having the company of a dog is already a gain for a person.

Benefits in all areas, including for health

The advantages that dogs bring to our lives and our health are numerous and varied. Below, let’s recall some of them:

Reduction of stress and heart pressure

When we interact with our pet through petting or playing, or through simple gestures such as taking them for a walk, it reduces our stress levels and lowers heart pressure, while increasing the feeling of good -be.

The fight against loneliness

When we need to talk to someone, no living being will listen to us with more attention and patience than a dog.

Dogs lessen feelings of loneliness and act as an antidote to depression. Having the company of a dog alleviates the feeling of loneliness that some people who, for some reason, can feel when they live alone. For those who suffer from a depressive condition, the responsibility involved in caring for a pet is one more reason to get up and move on.

personal self-esteem

Some studies at an advanced stage, carried out by the Universities of Miami and Saint Louis, concluded that people who own dogs gradually increase their levels of confidence and self-assurance.

More physical activity

Many people aim to adopt a daily exercise routine. However, for various reasons (from actual physical fatigue, limited time available and even lack of willpower), plans often do not materialize.

From the moment you decide to adopt a dog, going for a walk in the morning and at the end of the day is no longer optional. Dogs, like living things, have physiological needs that need to be met. In addition, just like their owners, they need to perform daily physical activity in order to enjoy a good state of health, both physical and mental.

improves social life

Dog owners are often very popular with their friends and neighbors. They express safety, responsibility, well-being and health. There are several movies and TV series that show the cliché of romantic relationships that started from a conversation in a park.

Cliché or not, the truth is that going out for a walk with your dog opens up a range of possibilities for entering into new relationships, even between people with similar interests.


For the elderly in the family, taking care of the pet can become a very useful responsibility, having to do every day.

Helps the person to have a quick recovery

Several studies have already proven this. Dog owners who suffer heart attacks or undergo surgical interventions recover more quickly.

an element of family togetherness

Having to take care of a four-legged family member will always be a good reason for “pack humans” to interact more with each other. Also, dogs tend to make the environment more relaxed and relaxed. Even if the antics of the dogs exacerbate the tempers, over time, everyone starts laughing at the madness of the animal.

dogs and children

The benefits that dogs bring to families with young children (including babies) are also real.

Let’s go deeper into the subject. Let’s see the advantages they bring to the children of the house. The child’s coexistence with a canine “brother” favors:

  • Strengthening your immune system. The times when pediatricians frowned on the presence of pets in homes with young children are long gone.
  • A survey published in the Journal of The American Medical Association stated that children who grow up with pets are 50% less likely to develop allergies. The reason for this is simple, the bacteria that inhabit animals help to strengthen the child’s entire immune system.
  • They help in your training. As they take care of dogs, children develop a sense of responsibility, friendship, love and loyalty. At the same time, the animals serve as tools in specific pedagogical tasks. This means that they help the child to overcome the fear of public speaking or improve reading aloud.

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