How To Attract Birds To Your Garden

Water, food, plants and trees are essential for small birds to come to feed and think about making their nests.
How to Attract Birds to Your Garden

Birds  contribute to maintaining the well-being and aesthetics  of gardens and grounds. Thanks to their diet, can help you  get rid of insects and worms  unwanted, or even  improve the process  of  pollination of your plants. Follow these guidelines to learn how to attract birds to your garden.

The key to attracting birds to your garden is water and food.

The  amount and variety of food  you leave visible in your garden will directly affect the  number of animals  that come. Although it’s popularly believed that we should only feed them during the winter,  experts recommend doing it year-round.

Depending on the  species  that best suit you and your plants, consider what foods you should choose for your birds. Among the most common, we find:

  • Peanut
  • Seed mixes   including  sunflower seedsoats, canary seed, unprocessed rice and millet

Try to  avoid foods with a high concentration of wheat, as they  can mainly attract pigeons, which can harm more than benefit the flora and fauna in your garden.

The  troughs, on the other hand, will also be decisive for them. The  Royal Society for the Protection of Birds  recommends a drinking fountain 2.5 to 10 centimeters deep, which will allow various species of birds to bathe in it.

bird eating

Plants also play their own role.

Even if you fill your garden with drinking fountains, feeders and bathtubs,  the real birdhouse will always be the trees. If your garden has only grass and an ornamental plant, your efforts are unlikely to bear fruit.

Start by populating your garden with  shrubs  and plants that attract smaller birds such as starlings. The thicker the better, especially if you live in an area where there may be  cats that can kill your new bird population.

The  rose bushes, brambles and honeysuckle  are among the species that can begin to reshape the spaces  green your home. Any plant that produces  fruit, especially if they are fleshy, will serve as an attractant for the birds. The  blackberry  is one of the most popular wild plants and can help attract birds to your garden.


It’s time to think about the nests

If your garden is large and has  tall, leafy trees  where  birds  can build their own house, just place the water and food sources as close to the branches as possible.

If, on the other hand,  your garden is small  and you only have  low plants and shrubs, you can make your task easier to buy  ready-made nests, or  you can make them yourself and place them in different strategic points of the land. The most popular materials are wool,  paper  and wood. Ideally,  keep them as close to food and water sources as possible.

Once you have done all that, you just have to wait. If you live in an urban area, the results may take longer to show, but  all efforts are worth it to attract birds to your garden.

You can wake up to the sound of birds, admire the spectacle of various birds eating freely in front of your window and have fun with the beginning of this friendship between your family and the birds, which will continue in the way they deserve: in total freedom.

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