How To Avoid Dog Manias

How to avoid dog manias

Every dog ​​is like a world and has its own peculiarities. However, some of their behaviors, which may seem strange or uncomfortable to humans, are absolutely normal for them. However, other behaviors can fall under what experts call compulsive disorders. Anyway, today we will tell you how to avoid dog manias. 

 Dogs often look like us

boy hugging dog

Let’s assume that  most dog behaviors, whether normal or abnormal, are often influenced by their owners’ way of being. Interestingly, the story that dogs look like their owners seems to be true.

It turns out that, after several years of  domestication, dogs have learned to mimic some of our behaviors as well as our quirks. That said, if the owner is nervous, maybe the dog is too. And if it’s a little aggressive, your dog will probably behave the same way.

In any case,  we must be aware of these types of behaviors of our pets that end up being uncomfortable, and try to identify the reasons that lead to this, in order to be able to solve the problem effectively.

some dog manias

Among the issues that, from a human point of view, we could call the “manias” of our dogs, we can point out:

  • Urinate  and defecate in different places inside the house;
  • Make holes in the garden;
  • Stealing – and even burying – food and various objects;
  • Destroy  clothes, shoes, papers, etc.;
  • Eat your droppings;
  • Being aggressive with acquaintances or strangers;
  • Bark  when ringing the bell, when ringing the phone, etc.

    Trying to correct the pet manias

    Many of these issues can be resolved if you remember or re-teach some training rules to our four-legged friend. Patience and attendance are the cards of triumph to be able to properly educate a pet.

    Remember that:

    • You should use so-called positive reinforcement: reward good behaviors and ignore bad ones.
    • You must not punish the animal in any way. This will only add more problems.
    • It only serves to scold the dog if you catch him in the act of bad behavior. If you reprimand him later, the only thing you will be able to do is confuse him, as he will not know the reason for the scolding.

    What to do when dog crazes continue

    However,  if the manias persist, it is likely that, in some cases, it is a sign that something is not right with your pet. He may be suffering from:

    • Any health problem;
    • Stress  (mostly due to changes in your routine);
    • Separation anxiety.

    Consult a veterinarian so that he can help you detect the causes and find the proper solution.

    But  sometimes this can be happening because you are not paying enough attention to your pet  and it may exaggerate some behaviors as a way to ask for your affection.

    Compulsive Disorders in Dogs

    However,  it can also happen that your dog starts to compulsively repeat certain behaviors. Among the so-called  compulsive disorders, the following are included:

    • Constantly licking any area of ​​your body, even causing a wound;
    • Chasing your tail;
    • Walk in circles;
    • Hunting non-existent insects;
    • Attack your  food bowl  ;
    • Grunt to himself.

    dog licking itself

    Even though there are some dogs that have a genetic predisposition to develop these types of disorders, the main reason is usually found in conflicting situations around them.

    It is important to consult a specialist in animal behavior in these cases, so that you can identify the reasons and for him to indicate the most appropriate treatments to avoid these types of dog manias.

    The dog looks like you, but it’s still a dog

    Anyway,  always keep in mind that the dog is a dog, and that what may seem strange to you is perfectly normal for him:  barking, making holes, lifting his paw to pee in different places…

    The secret is to find the balance to get a good relationship between dogs and people, and this is achieved with a lot of perseverance and, above all, with a lot of love.

    Image credits: Mark.

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