How To Pet A Cat Properly

How to pet a cat correctly

In the animal world, physical contact is important because it is through it that various messages are sent, along with assigned roles and hierarchical positions. For pets, physical contact becomes the element that allows them to bond with their owners. Here are some tips on petting a cat correctly.

Cats are extremely sensitive to petting and have a highly developed sense of touch, stroking helps them feel calm and is particularly important for stress relief.

It also shows that your cat has confidence in you; otherwise, you wouldn’t even go near him.

In addition, there is evidence that, for humans, petting an animal or having emotional contact with them is therapeutic, helping to alleviate anxiety and lower blood pressure.

However, it is worth saying that  not all areas are suitable for petting a cat, and not all times are suitable for this.

As we said at the beginning, cats have a highly developed sense of touch and therefore there are certain caresses that can cause them pain, depending on the part of the body. We will inform you here:

Areas to pet a cat

Head: Some cats like to be patted on the head, but you must be careful not to pull their whiskers.

Neck and spine: These are the areas where they like to be petted the most. You can caress them firmly or gently; they feel it like a relaxing massage.

Paws and tail:  Care must be taken with the tail, as it is an extension of the spine. Cats are a bit boring about their paws, possibly they will allow you to stroke their thighs, but when you get to the paw pads the chances of the cat pulling away are great.

Belly: The belly is a very sensitive area, not only because it is one of the most sensitive areas of your body, but because to stay in this position (prone) it is completely exposed, so it is difficult for it to sustain itself for a long period in this position.

With few exceptions, the cat will bite your hands as you stroke its belly, either because it has started to hurt or because it feels vulnerable.

The right time to pet a cat

When to pet a cat?

Cats are very dominant predators, so they don’t enjoy being touched all the time. Keep in mind that cats tend to fill dominance roles, so it’s best to pet them when they seek you out.

There are times when petting them is not good, for example when they are eating or cleaning themselves. As an attack cannot be predicted, when feeding, a properly socialized animal will not react badly to your presence, but it is better to respect this moment.

It is also inadvisable to pet him if he shows signs of aggression, is tense or wants to get away from you. It is not advisable to stroke them against the fur, cats do not like it, but they may get used to it.

When cats want pampering, they demonstrate it in several ways, for example:

  • They come closer and purr. Cats purr for a variety of reasons, although this behavior is associated with sensations or states that please them.
  • When the cat rubs against you, he’s usually in his hugged mood, but have no doubt he’ll bite you as soon as he wants the session to end. This is the feline way of relating to humans.
  • If the cat butts you, he is demanding your immediate attention, so be prepared to pet him, because he will be able to claim this, including strength.

how to pet a cat

how to pet a cat

Now, to pet a cat, keep in mind that this can often be more of a nuisance than a positive experience;  when he gets close, he will indicate the point where he wants to be caressed, no doubt, this will also be the perfect time to exchange cuddles.

We’ll leave you with these simple tips:

Reach out your hand and let the cat sniff it so you can approach it without being caught by surprise.

You should pat the head gently first.

If the cat doesn’t run away from you and shows no signs of hostility, you can extend the massage to the back and tail.

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