How To Teach Your Dog To Walk With A Leash

How to teach your dog to walk with a leash

While it’s easier to teach a puppy to walk on a leash, adult dogs can also learn. The most important thing is that, whatever the case, you have a lot of patience and don’t give up easily. Successful training depends on the frequency and commitment of the owner, rather than the ability of the pet. Learn more about this in this article.

Step by step to teach your dog to walk with a leash

It may take time to do this, and you will have to set aside time each day for him to learn, because if you leave it for later, it is possible that the animal will forget the previous lesson. You should pay attention to this step-by-step guide to teach your dog to walk with a leash:

1. Choose a leash and collar

This task is fundamental and cannot be rushed. To get started, choose a flat collar and a retractable strap. This way, the animal will get used to carrying something around its neck, and being at a distance from you. You shouldn’t squeeze it too tightly (you should be able to slide your fingers smoothly between the neck and the collar).

dog with the tongue hanging out wearing a collar: teach your dog to walk with a leash

2. Put the collar on it

It is necessary that your pet gets used to walking on a leash when you are at home, and that it is not just something used when going out for a walk. At first, he’ll try to get it out, and if he can do that, put it back on. Maybe he will try to bite you or get very nervous, but little by little he will accept the collar.

3. Give him the strap

Just as he has to get used to the collar, he must also get used to the leash, since it is only put on when going out, not for walking around the house. You should let him sniff this new object, play with it for a while, and then fasten it around his neck.

4. Train it in a peaceful environment

To teach your dog to walk with a leash, try to choose a time of day or a place where there are no other animals, children running or a lot of people. The idea is for your pet to pay attention to what you are showing him, and not be nervous. In addition, this will help you to be calm too, and the dog can absorb your energy and use you as an example.

5. Take prizes with you

Choose the reward system you want to put into practice with the pet. You can buy him small treats or take some kibble in your bag. In addition, you can give him pieces of sausage or cheese (if the vet allows this type of food). The most important thing is that it be a snack that he can eat while walking. That way, nothing will interrupt the learning process.

6. Control bad behavior

Just as you should reward the dog when he behaves well, you should also get his attention when he does something wrong. You don’t need to yell at him, let alone hit him so he understands. There are other more “peaceful” ways and with more effective results.

For example, if the animal pulls the leash, it stops walking. That way, he’ll realize that no matter how hard he pulls, he won’t get very far. If he sits down, lies down, or doesn’t want to walk, take a few steps away (the distance allowed by the strap), call him over and offer him a treat.

7. Lead the situation

The owner must be the “voice of command” at all times and, above all, when they are on the street, where many things can happen. Always try to stay a little ahead of the dog, that way he treats you as the leader of the pack.

dogs wearing a collar

Also, pay attention to their behavior when there are other puppies around. Don’t change your attitude or get nervous, because the animal will feel it and it will act on it. If you walk around calmly, your pet will understand that there is nothing to worry about, and that it shouldn’t attack or stand guard.

8. Keep training

Once you’ve taught your dog to walk on a leash, you shouldn’t miss out with him. If possible, go out several times a day. Not only is it a great exercise for both of you, it will also help you remember training. 

Main image source: Carlos Varela

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