Major Domestic Accidents With Small Breed Dogs

Small-breed puppies are prone to accidents for trying to eat what they shouldn’t or for getting into dangerous corners; take precautions in your home to protect them.
Major domestic accidents with small breed dogs

Small breed dogs are preferred by those who love animals and don’t have a lot of space, but we need to be aware of the domestic accidents they can suffer.

They have the advantage of being able to be taken anywhere, need little space to live and live longer than large breeds: they can reach 18 years.

With some basic care, and, without a doubt, a lot of affection, these puppies can live very healthy. However, even when they are at home, they are exposed to some accidents that can sometimes be fatal.

Below, we will see some examples and tips to avoid domestic accidents that can affect the health or life of small breed dogs.

Domestic accidents with small breed dogs

Intoxication and Poisoning

Small breed puppies, especially when they are puppies, behave like children when they are alone at home. They eat everything that is prohibited, and certain foods can be very harmful to their health. Sometimes they can even be toxic and their ingestion can have fatal consequences.

Some foods such as onions, bones, lamb and especially chocolate do not fit the dogs’ diet and are extremely toxic to them.

In general, eating these foods causes gastroenteritis that can be mild or severe, depending on the amount ingested and the size of the dog. A small breed dog can even die from a candy bar that contains too much cocoa.

Dog playing with toilet paper

In addition, it can also happen that the dog accidentally ingests medicines, cleaning products or poisonous plants in the garden. In that case, it is necessary to take him to the vet as soon as possible.

The best way to avoid this type of accident is to keep food and dangerous products out of the reach of animals.

Obstruction by ingestion of some object

Another very common domestic accident with small breed dogs is an intestinal obstruction caused by ingesting some small object. They can also get upset when swallowing larger objects. Both situations can be very serious and endanger the animal’s life.

The most attractive objects for small breed dogs, especially when they are puppies, are the television controls, the cell phone, pieces of toys, socks and even shoes. It is necessary to be careful with these small objects and not leave them within reach of the dog, at least while he is a puppy.

The best thing would be to buy the dog its own toys; that way, he’ll be able to bite them with peace of mind. However, it is very important to choose the right type of toy for the size of the dog.

Electrocution and Burns

Electricity is also a risk factor for dogs. Many home accidents occur when dogs, especially puppies, bite cables and get an electrical shock.

dog with baby at home

A strong discharge can cause very serious internal burns, especially in small breed puppies. To avoid this type of accident, it is best to disconnect the power cables or hide the cables under rugs or behind furniture to prevent the dog from biting them.

Burns are also one of the most common domestic accidents among dogs. The kitchen can be a very dangerous place for them. Too hot food can be spilled on the dog and cause serious burns. The best thing is that the dog never enters the kitchen unsupervised.


As with children, when a dog is near an open window or on the terrace, it is necessary to watch it. He may accidentally fall over or simply jump to chase another dog passing by on the street. If he is alone, he can also jump from the anxiety of being without his owners.

When the terrace or balcony is not well protected, falls can occur very easily. When falling, dogs can suffer serious fractures, especially small breeds, which are more fragile in this regard.

To avoid this type of risk, it is very important to adequately protect all the spaces in the house. The bars on the balcony or terrace, for example, should not be too far apart from each other, to prevent the dog from passing between them. The ideal is to put a protective screen and prevent the dog from being alone on the terrace.

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