Marine Rescue Saves A Dog At Sea

Going to the beach is synonymous with fun, especially if we are in the company of our dogs. Still, there are certain risks to consider.
Marine rescue saves a dog at sea

Some headlines are as surprising as this one: “Maritime rescue saves a dog at sea.” When reading, several questions may arise in the general population, as we do not find news like this every day.

Next, we’ll investigate a little more about this event with such a curious title. We will also mention  some essential tips when taking the dogs to the beach, to avoid setbacks like what concerns us today.

Marine rescue saves a dog at sea

On occasion, dogs can snap and cause concern. One of the most recent cases is the one experienced by a dog tutor in Wales in August 2020.

Apparently, the dog  got excited chasing seagulls and ended up a mile from the beach. So that we can better understand it, the distance covered by the animal out to sea was 2.41 kilometers.

Marine rescue team members often respond to cries for help, but this curious case will likely never be forgotten.

The sea rescue boat quickly set out to rescue this adventurous dog. Thanks to the team, the animal was able to meet on the beach its grateful tutor, who had become desperate.

Maritime rescue rescues a dog at sea

Precautions to follow with a dog on the beach

As we have seen, a simple walk on the beach can end with the title “Maritime rescue saves a dog at sea”. Therefore, it is necessary to follow a series of precautions when taking dogs to the beach. Here are some tips.

Find a quiet place and a safe bathing area

Something the dog won’t be able to avoid is getting close to the sea and possibly taking a dip. This is normal, although it is advisable to choose a safe area that is free from ocean currents and is not deep.

Thus, the animal will be able to enjoy the bath, something that in turn will be a way to fight heatstroke. This is because,  when bathing, the animal’s body temperature is reduced.

In addition to monitoring currents and depths, another important detail to pay attention to is the danger flag. Depending on the color indicated by the flag, the dog may or may not dive, just like the man.

take care of the animal

Although when we go to the beach we want to rest and disconnect, taking an animal requires responsibility. It is necessary to be careful that the dog does not suffer (or cause) any damage or discomfort.

As it is a public place, it is important to respect other people who are on the beach. Also, by keeping an eye on the animal, you prevent it from getting lost at sea by going after seagulls, like the dog on the news.

Solar protection

Although it sounds a little strange, sunscreen is necessary for dogs. Areas with little hair and little pigmentation, such as the nose, should be protected.

Another detail that may go unnoticed is the foot pad protector. Just as we burn when the sand is hot, a dog’s paws are even more sensitive to hot surfaces.

Therefore, a pillow protector is very useful, especially if the dog goes to the beach frequently. However, you should also avoid going during central times of day as that is when the sun is at its strongest.

take food and water

Likewise, you should not only protect dogs from the sun with sunscreen, but also with hydration. It is essential that the dog frequently drinks fresh and clean water , so it is also recommended to bring a drinking fountain and feeder.

This is because if dogs consume salt water, gastrointestinal problems can occur. The same happens if they accidentally ingest sand, so we must monitor them closely.

Check if the beach accepts animals

You can usually check on the city page  if pets are allowed on the beach. The reason for this is that some beaches are suitable for your stay and others are not.

Therefore, before going to a tourist area on the coast, you must first make sure that the presence of animals is allowed, as the person responsible must comply with the legal obligations imposed on the beach.

Check if the beach accepts animals

In short, a day at the beach can turn into a nightmare if you’re not careful. Therefore, whenever a dog is taken to the beach, some precautions must be followed.

In addition,  the dog must be accompanied by its documentation and be correctly identified. This way, both the tutor and the animal can enjoy a day at the beach without any surprises.

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