Meatball Recipe That Will Delight Your Dog

Meatball recipe that will delight your dog

When choosing food for our pets, natural food is increasingly required. This is based on different foods, such as meat, bones, vegetables and grains, raw and cooked, trying to avoid other products known as “balanced”. That’s why today we offer you a nutritious meatball recipe.

Canine Health Benefits

This natural food is very beneficial to provide healthy nutrients for our dog and to combat health problems such as allergies, bad breath, ear infections, hair loss and many others.

Many options at home to prepare dog food

mix food
Author: Fernando Dall’Acqua

Cooking for the dog at home is not only possible but also recommended. What’s more, in addition to being a way to control the ingredients in your diet, it can save you money.

Preparing nice dishes for our canine friend doesn’t have to be laborious or time-consuming. A chicken and rice, scrambled eggs with some ingredient, pasta with some meat or the meatball recipe that we are going to propose will not take long. So our friend will eat healthy and tasty food.

However, experts say there is no reason for homemade food to completely replace commercial pet food. If these are of quality, following the recommendation of a veterinarian or canine nutritionist, there is no problem.

Home pet diet

The same goes for people, eating fast doesn’t have to be synonymous with eating poorly. A balanced homemade diet can feed our friend in the same way that commercial foods do, that is, offering the same number of nutrients, but in a healthy way.

If homemade diet recipes are not used as a complement (or occasional prize), but as the animal’s usual diet, it is important that you have the supervision and accurate observation of your veterinarian or dog nutritionist, who will prescribe commercial nutritional supplements, vitamins and minerals, to accompany the dishes prepared for the animal.

It is also necessary to take into account that each dog has specific nutritional needs, depending on its breed, size, age, etc. We cannot use a diet set up for a particular dog and multiply (or divide) depending on the pounds of another animal.

More advantages of homemade food

These dog foods prepared at home have other relevant advantages over those sold, such as the choice of quality and quantity of ingredients that are added to recipes. These homemade products tend to have a lower proportion of proteins and salts, and therefore are more suitable for the dog’s needs.

Foods to avoid

The important thing for a good homemade diet is to avoid foods with sugar and others, such as: onions, raisins, avocados, chocolate and grapes.

The foods for our dog, especially if they are puppies, cannot be seasoned, nor can they take products such as garlic and onions, which have proved to be toxic for the dogs.

Recipe for calf meatballs for dogs


  • 250 g of finely chopped veal
  • 2 strips of bacon in small pieces
  • 100 g of grated carrots
  • A fresh chopped parsley leaf
  • 1 tablespoon of natural tomato sauce, without additives
  • some wholemeal flour
  • a glass of water


  • Preheat the oven to 180 °C, using a non-stick paper to line the mold.
  • In a bowl, mix the remaining ingredients, forming a homogeneous mass. Make small balls and place them on the tray, leaving an inch between them. Crush these balls a little to give them the proper shape.
  • Bake the meatballs for between 15 and 20 minutes. After cooling, store them in the refrigerator.

Homemade diet. Recipe for meatballs with vegetables

mix food

Meat can be beef, chicken, turkey, etc. Pork should be avoided if possible.


  • 300 g of minced chicken meat
  • 100 g of peas
  • 1 big carrot
  • 2 finely chopped garlic cloves
  • 1 beaten egg
  • Breadcrumbs

Method of preparation:

  • Cut the garlic cloves into very small pieces and mix with the meat. Wash the carrot and grate it over the meat. Then we’ll add the peas, beaten egg and breadcrumbs, mixing it all together.
  • Preheat the oven to 180º C and prepare balls of the desired size, placing them on the oven tray, on greased paper. Bake until golden. Take it out of the oven and let the meatballs cool.

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