Palm Oil: Avoid Products Containing It!

Palm oil: Avoid products that contain it!

Palm oil, or palm oil, is one of the ingredients in many products. Cooking and cleaning are two delicate activities, since many ingredients in some products can be harmful to health, such as palm oil, which we will talk about in this article, not only because of the harm it causes to people, but also to animals. .

Next, you will know everything that is related to this oil and why it can be so dangerous.

Palm oil: a product that threatens the environment

Lioness and cub

Firstly, it is important to note that this product was obtained from the mesocarp of palm fruit, generating such success that nowadays it is one of the main ingredients of many things we consume, from detergents to cosmetics, so it is a very business. lucrative.

From this a terrible phenomenon was generated, as well as many opponents of palm oil.

Because it is a raw material of very high demand, in order to obtain a production that is as profitable as possible, producers have chosen to deforest entire forests in order to multiply the plantations in the region. palm coconut , from where the oil is extracted, and thus earn much more money with the extraction.

As one might suppose, this is a fact that violates the rights of animals, not only because it puts their lives at risk, but also because deforestation is destroying the natural habitat of many animals for economic reasons that, in the end, end up being equally harmful to the health of consumers.

One of the best-known cases is Indonesia, where a large part of its tropical forests were destroyed for oil palm extraction, which helped to accelerate climate change and further endanger the lives of the Sumatran orangutan and tiger, both are endangered species.

Harmful health effects

According to different medical experts, this is a product that can cause damage to both human and animal life, as it has a very high concentration of saturated fats that do nothing more than increase cholesterol levels in the body, the which can cause cardiovascular disease.

More serious than all that was mentioned is that children and pets such as dogs and cats are more susceptible to all this, as they do not have the same characteristics as an adult’s organism.

Alternatives to palm oil

Considering that palm oil is an ingredient in different types of products, some assert that selecting an alternative is virtually impossible, however, this is not quite the case.

dog sleeping

The most common use of palm oil is, without a doubt, in foods, from greased and pre-cooked products to biscuits and other types of snacks. If you want to replace it with much healthier products, these are the most recommended:

  • Olive oil: not only is it delicious and healthy, but it can also be used in different types of foods, it can be consumed by your dog or cat, as it is good for their health too.
  • Coconut oil: it can be used to replace margarine and also to feed your pets, as it improves the coat in an unequaled way.
  • Mint Oil: It has a myriad of health benefits and is spectacular for cooling your dog’s body when he’s had a lot of exercise.

    In summary, palm oil is a product that we should stop using, since in this way we will be contributing peacefully to the well-being of the environment, positioning ourselves against the destruction of the habitat not only of animals that are in danger of extinction, but also from any other.

    Also, by replacing its use, you and your pet will have a much healthier life and no worries about the consequences we are used to having.

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